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Axe USB port died, need help about midi 2 usb adapter


Hello all,
USB port on my AXE FX 2 XL suddenly died and since I have some gigs on the way I can't send it to nice peeps in G66 service right away.
So, as I read somewhere that Ultra owners tried to connect to PC and use Axe edit through some kind of midi2usb adapter. Is this possible and how?
Thank you

EDIT: working fine but bit slower than USB, just updated to 8 using UNO
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How does a USB port die? Sometimes a driver can f up. Did u do a restore?

It was probably power failure in my house or maybe a thunder strike near my house since my PC motherboard also died same day.
I wasnt home so I'm not sure what happened but I know Axe was turned off but still connected to USB port on my working PC.
I replaced motherboard on PC and than I found out Axe won't connect, then tried different cable and PC but still no luck.
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