Axe Solely as a Pre-amp?


New Member
Hey Guys! I know you've gotten similar questions to this before because ive spent a lot of time with the search function, but before i make the axe investment i really want a definitive answer to this question:

How good is the axe-fx if it is run solely as a preamp? I've heard tons of great clips of it going direct drenched in effects and stuff, but what I want to know is, is it good enough to the point where if I were to ask you whether I should go with a Triaxis preamp (similar price range) to go with my mosvalve mv-962 and avatar 2X12 cabs (I know, these arent the best but they do sound good), or an axe standard, u would recommend the axe?

Basically, I'm interested mostly in just plain old amp sounds, maybe with some delay and reverb every now and then, but I LOVE the sound of my strat straight into a Vibrolux and my Ibanez straight into my peavey rockmaster with the same poweramp and cab. The thing is, I dont own the Vibrolux, and I was looking to buy one, or a similar fender this summer. Then, I started hearing about the axe-fx and reading up on it and it seems perfect! Obviously, I'd love to have a Cornford and a Fender (or a few :cool: and a Vox and a Marshall, or at least their respective preamps going through my rig. But ultimately, I loved the magic of my strat through that Vibrolux when i was trying it out before I bought it, I'm searching for an amp with the same subtle nuances and same kind of beautiful tone. Obviously, im not expecting the axe-fx to produce the same exact tone through my rig, but if it can produce one thats just a bit different, but as good as any other amp would sound through my rig, with the same subtle nuances and dynamics and reactivity to my playing, it would be worth it.

So, long post short, is it worth it? :D Thanks!
Hey, I had a Rockmaster once! Well, twice actually. Loved that thing, although the first one had better high gain and the second better crunch channel.

Axe-FX beats it hands down easily. Don't know about the Triaxis, but if the Axe can nail the Mark IIC+ preamp, it'll probably do the Triaxis too. See the opening post here:

Good luck on your decision. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Hey thanks for the help guys! But I worded my question wrong, I was just using the triaxis as an example of a preamp in a similar price range (at least used) to the axe-fx. Really, Im most interested in a great clean sound like a strat straight into a vibrolux or other blackface. All other tones would just be awesome bonuses to me. My real question is, how does the axe-fx compare in terms of "complexity" of tone (realism, subtle nuances of a great tube amp) to that of "real" tube preamps? Is it 90% there? 95?%? I know it wont get any modeled tone exactly, and its not supposed to, but does it at least sound and feel as good , if a bit different, as any other real amp out there? And is great simple guitar >amp tone easy to dial in just like a regular preamp? Or does it require a bunch of other eqs I would never use in a real rig? Thanks so much for putting up with my annoying questions!
I have a older version standard and I would have to say that the cleans are 90% there. As to the new firmwear I don't know if clif has done anything to the cleans or not maybe someone else can post info. I haven't been able to get a Bad Cat chime out of it but it will do a Fender clean pretty convincingly. Some EQing may be needed to suite your tast.
I'm using it as a pre-amp now, with a Mesa F-50 head for a power amp. I used to have a Triaxis + 50/50 rig, and I'm actually finding it easier to dial in a great tone with the Axe (never mind how much more versatile it is). And that's not a slam on the Triaxis, because I loved that thing. :)
If you're asking how good it is through a power amp into guitar cabs, then I can tell you it's great. I run it that way. I use either a Carvin DCM150 or a VHT 2/50/2 into stereo cubes or a single 2x12.

It's great.

DrewBarbs91 said:
Hey Guys! I know you've gotten similar questions to this before because ive spent a lot of time with the search function, but before i make the axe investment i really want a definitive answer to this question:

How good is the axe-fx if it is run solely as a preamp? I've heard tons of great clips of it going direct drenched in effects and stuff, but what I want to know is, is it good enough to the point where if I were to ask you whether I should go with a Triaxis preamp (similar price range) to go with my mosvalve mv-962 and avatar 2X12 cabs (I know, these arent the best but they do sound good), or an axe standard, u would recommend the axe?

Basically, I'm interested mostly in just plain old amp sounds, maybe with some delay and reverb every now and then, but I LOVE the sound of my strat straight into a Vibrolux and my Ibanez straight into my peavey rockmaster with the same poweramp and cab. The thing is, I dont own the Vibrolux, and I was looking to buy one, or a similar fender this summer. Then, I started hearing about the axe-fx and reading up on it and it seems perfect! Obviously, I'd love to have a Cornford and a Fender (or a few :cool: and a Vox and a Marshall, or at least their respective preamps going through my rig. But ultimately, I loved the magic of my strat through that Vibrolux when i was trying it out before I bought it, I'm searching for an amp with the same subtle nuances and same kind of beautiful tone. Obviously, im not expecting the axe-fx to produce the same exact tone through my rig, but if it can produce one thats just a bit different, but as good as any other amp would sound through my rig, with the same subtle nuances and dynamics and reactivity to my playing, it would be worth it.

So, long post short, is it worth it? :D Thanks!

The Axe's Amp Block's preamp sims sound as good as, or better than, any real preamp, tube or solid state, programmable or non, that you're likely to hear.

Plus, with its power amp simulation engaged you can get the sound of power amp breakup at any volume running into any real power amp you like.

Tha Axe is *way* more versatile than a simple preamp like the Triaxis and IMO it sounds better than the Triaxis too.
I've been a Triaxis user since 1993. Every time I get it out to A/B it with the Axe, the Axe wins.
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