Axe manage


Looking good so far. How do I highlight multiple presets in axe manage so I can delete or move them. I can do one at a time or highlight all of them (select all). I can paste in multiple presets easily enough . Am I missing something here.
Don't know if you're using Windows or Mac. The Release Notes explains how to do it. In Windows use the typical Ctrl and Shift key combinations for selecting multiple presets and then either swap, move or copy actions. I think FA are recommending no more than 10 selections at a time. It works great for me so far.
I don't know that you can delete presets- only replace them. I copied the "Bypass" or blank preset and copied it onto all presets for Bank C and saved that as a bank of blank presets to start dragging presets into.
Right got it. Left click on a preset. hold shift. left click on a nearby preset. That highlights them all in between. Right click on the blue selected section to cut or paste.
Thanks to everybody for helping.
XP here. The problem I'm having is if I highlight more than four patches, it decides it's ready to do, ah, something with them. I wadn't ready yet!

I don't know that you can delete presets- only replace them. I copied the "Bypass" or blank preset and copied it onto all presets for Bank C and saved that as a bank of blank presets to start dragging presets into.

Ahhhh. Had I known...or intuited....what the fuck was going on, I might've done the same. Hmmm.
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