Axe-III virtual toggle for momentary switch?


Sup? ;)

I found a couple momentary switches in an old box of cables I'd like to play around with in the pedal 1 and 2 jacks to turn stuff on and off. If I assign one to say the Bypass of amp1 it works as long as I have it pushed.

I did a search and found refence to a Virtual toggle setting in the setup but it seems to always be in FM3/ Fm9 threads. Can someone point me to that setting for the Axe-III to use these as latching please. I know it's probably something stupid simple I am just not seeing.
Maybe this video from @chris will help:

,, I watched the vid,, and Still not getting it. I don't have built in switches, I don't have a Fm3. or an FC6/12 and this seems to be geared toward that as he explains setting up a stand in switch,, to have to set up a real switch first on those. I can plug it in to the pedal 1 jack on the back of the Axe-III and assign the modifier for say amp one bypass to pedal one. it works but only while I hold it as it is a momentary switch. I'm gonna guess that the Axe-III doesn't have a Virtual Toggle type setting like what they are talking about in the searched threads for the FM3 unless there is some way to set the parameters in the modifier screen to do it?

Thanks anyway
Page 12 of the manual says you should be able to connect switches directly to the expression pedal ports of the Axe-Fx III, and select momentary or latching for them.
HOME -> Setup -> I/O -> Pedal. Set desired Pedal input to Momentary.


And...I know better too,,, I should have known to go to the front panel to look for that and not just in Axe-edit as It is not listed in Axe Edit and I know some things are not. Thanks cliff🤘

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