Axe III sighting - stage right - (I mean left!)

stage right


  1. The area of the stage to the right of center stage when facing the audience.
  2. The area to the right of the stage when looking towards the audience
  3. the part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audience
Devin is a beast and really makes the AF3 sound amazing!! Unfortunately on the Vegas Journey tour, it looks like Neal School has gone the EVH EL34 route on his main sound. Wonder if the AF3 is hidden and going to FOH, though the cabs were mic'd and the amps were on so couldn't tell.
stage right


  1. The area of the stage to the right of center stage when facing the audience.
  2. The area to the right of the stage when looking towards the audience
  3. the part of the stage on the actor's right as the actor faces the audience

4.) The area to the right of the stage when looking at the stage from the audience.

In essence.....Stage Left!


Sorry about that! I should know better. :D
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