Axe II With Macbook Pro - Protools 8 and Digi -002R - Advice Please


Power User
When going from the Axe II to DAW via USB, would I connect via USB to my Macbook Pro? Once there, how would I get Protools to recognize the Axe II as my peripheral/hardware?

I'm running PT 8 so I have to have my Digi -002R connected via firewire.
With Pro Tools LE 8 the digidesign box is your audio interface so you need to go into the line-in or SPDI/F-in on the digidesign box from the Axe-Fx II. The Axe-Fx can be connected via USB to the computer for control but you don't record over the USB connection.

Things are simpler with Pro Tools 9 as it no longer requires a digidesign interface and the Axe-Fx II can be used as the audio interface.

You can upgrade from 8 to 9 for a pretty reasonable price -- one upgrade per existing digidesign interface serial number. Pro Tools 9 uses an iLok for licensing since it is no longer tied to a digidesign interface serial number. You can even keep using that 8.0 version with the digi interface after you upgrade to 9.0.

Are you certain about this?

Even with PT 9, I would still need to use my -002R to monitor my session so it would still need to be connected at the same time as the Axe II.
With PT 9 you could use the Axe itself to monitor the session. I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming you could also set the Axe to be the input and the 002R to be the output so you don't need a monitor controller or to rewire when switching between Axe and 002R as output destination.
Sorry, should have clarifed - in Pro Tools 9 you can.

You just setup a Pro Tools 9 aggregate device in the settings... Same as setting up any non-Digi interface, you just add another while you're at it.
With Pro Tools LE 8 the digidesign box is your audio interface so you need to go into the line-in or SPDI/F-in on the digidesign box from the Axe-Fx II. The Axe-Fx can be connected via USB to the computer for control but you don't record over the USB connection.

Things are simpler with Pro Tools 9 as it no longer requires a digidesign interface and the Axe-Fx II can be used as the audio interface.

You can upgrade from 8 to 9 for a pretty reasonable price -- one upgrade per existing digidesign interface serial number. Pro Tools 9 uses an iLok for licensing since it is no longer tied to a digidesign interface serial number. You can even keep using that 8.0 version with the digi interface after you upgrade to 9.0.


This guy is 100% correct LE is limiting get 9 so worth the extra.
Can't you just go into the Sound section of your System Preferences on your Mac after the Axe is plugged and choose your output and input? Then when you fire up PT it should automatically use those I/O's. And if not you should be able to choose the Axe in PT preferences.
No, not in pro tools 8 le you have to use digidesign hardware only. Unless you go get a pirated pt8 loader. That is one of the bigger reasons for 9. One because logic was kicking their butts off which i just could not get into and two the hackers proved you do not have to have digi hardware with the right programing, which is common knowlege after logic 9 pro.
Yes, you can aggregate the devices, so you could use one for input and the other for output...

Ah in a word NO! I am not sure why you are talking aggregate devices (a capability in Pro Tools 9). Just monitoring out through the Axe-Fx II may be enough for many people. If that is not enough for the OP he will need to use the 002 as the interface and connect via SPDIF (preferred) or line-out like I suggested before. Aggregate devices are really supported by Avid with the intent of aggregating the computer's internal audio devices with an external interface. Aggregating multiple external interfaces may or may not work, it depends on the hardware and device drivers and Avid has tried to be clear about this. In the case of of the 002 and 003 interfaces you definitely *cannot* aggregate them with other devices, their device drivers just do not support that.

Can't you just go into the Sound section of your System Preferences on your Mac after the Axe is plugged and choose your output and input? Then when you fire up PT it should automatically use those I/O's. And if not you should be able to choose the Axe in PT preferences.

This suggestion is not supported at all in Pro Tools 8. On Pro Tools 9 you would normally select the interface to use from the Pro Tools "playback engine" dialog panel - that is where you really want to select this. Send me an Axe-Fx II and I'll write up detailed instructions :)

If the Axe 2 can work as a preamp also other than spdif you can use the 4 ins that dont have preamps.

Uh? The Axe-Fx analog output is line level you need to use the 002 line level inputs or disable the mic pre (on a 002 rack).

S/PDIF may be the preferred way to connect the Axe-Fx II to a 002 as it removes an unnecessary A/D and D/A step.

With little info to go on it is hard to say what the best thing for the OP to do is. If he has a 002 (not 002 rack) he may want to use the control surface features [EDIT - just noticed it is a 002R in the original post so this is not relevant], or extra monitoring features of any 002, in which case with either Pro Tools 8 or 9 he will have to use the 002 as the audio interface and feed into it from the Axe-Fx II. In which case upgrading to Pro Tools 9 may be less compelling.

If the 002 is not adding any value then put it aside, upgrade to Pro Tools 9, and just use the Axe-Fx II as the interface. And probably importantly that should make tracking a dry and wet signal and reamping a lot easier - although you can also do that in other ways like using the FX-Loop out to send a dry analog-out to the 002.

S/PDIF may be the preferred way to connect the Axe-Fx II to a 002 as it removes an unnecessary A/D and D/A step.

I thought analog was preferred over S/PDIF?

If the 002 is not adding any value then put it aside, upgrade to Pro Tools 9, and just use the Axe-Fx II as the interface. And probably importantly that should make tracking a dry and wet signal and reamping a lot easier - although you can also do that in other ways like using the FX-Loop out to send a dry analog-out to the 002.


This will be my end goal. Will have to wait a little while before upgrading $$. Only downside is I would still need to use my -002R for mic's. I can't leave it connected then can I?
I thought analog was preferred over S/PDIF?

Why would you want to send an already digital signal back to analog only to go through the (not great) analog front-end and A/D in the 002? and to be clear when I say S/PDIF I really mean digital out (eg AES/EBU as well).

BTW may be nice if the Axe-Fx II could do split dry and wet on the L/R channels of the Digital outs. My head is not around the (great) matrix routing capabilities enough to know if this is possible. It's feature handy at times on the Eleven Rack for example, but obviously you only get mono-output. If it's not possible then you can use the analog fx-loop out to get the dry signal input on the 002.

Of course you want to reamp with a digital signal back from the 002 to the digital in on the Axe-Fx II.

This will be my end goal. Will have to wait a little while before upgrading $$. Only downside is I would still need to use my -002R for mic's. I can't leave it connected then can I?

Ah yes, something else we did not know but is important. If you want to simultaneously use the mic preamps and/or other inputs in the 002R then regardless of wether you have Pro Tools 8 or 9 you have to use the 002 as the interface and since (in Pro Tools 9) you cannot create an aggregate device with the 002 and the Axe-Fx II (or any other interface) you are stuck with having to chain the Axe-Fx into (and out if you want to reamp) the 002.

Switching between interfaces is possible in Pro Tools 9 so each can be used separately (but not aggregated) you could say track guitar with the Axe-Fx then do everything else separately with the 002 but this would likely very quickly becomes a PITA. I am willing to bet you would pull you hair out every time you see the "IO setup has changed" warning dialog in Pro Tools.

So all that may make a Pro Tools 9 upgrade just not compelling right now, although there may be other reasons for you to upgrade--it's a pretty good release. I'd start by getting things wired between the Axe-Fx II and 002R using digital cables if possible and using the latest update to Pro Tools LE 8.

Oh yes, Darryl is right. You can aggregate devices in PT9 (I've successfully combined my AES16e card with a Fireface UFX), but Digi hardware is "special" and won't play nice with others.

Just sell the 002R and buy an upgrade to PT9, and a nicer interface that does play nice.

The only downside is, with the PT9 announcement, the resale value of the 002 plummeted faster than the original AxeFX after the countdown :p
Uh oh, useless recomendations ahead.... You better tell folks what your interface requirements and budget are if you want interface recomendations.

Very few Pro Tools users will even try aggregating two external interfaces, Windows uses don't count, then all the 002, 003 and TDM users are non-starters since it's not supported. Some folks may well try aggregating the Mac's built in audio out and/or in with an interface (what Avid intends you to use this for). But I'll bet almost nobody has tried this yet with an Axe-Fx II as one of the interfaces. So be wary of advice until its been done and shaken out. And if the attraction/claim is a interface supporting aggregate I/O be careful because the devil is likely in the details of how well exactly what works with what else and exactly what "works" really means and if the vendors will provide any support etc.

e.g. I like the Apogee Ensemble interface but there are varying claims of how well it works (just with each other) with aggregate I/O. Just in general I would work from an assumption that if you have more complex interface requirements in Pro Tools you get there by daisy chaining the Axe-Fx into the higher-end interface box. If you get aggregate I/O to work that's a pleasant suprise/bonus.

ADAT out and in on the Axe-Fx III would be great :)

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