Axe II still flipping amp mode between X/Y at random


Fractal Fanatic
This has been going on for ages and now it's really p***ing me off. I'm only noticing it happening when my MFC is connected but I can never predict when it will happen or in which preset. I can't play a single gig without this happening at least once, and I have to correct it manually (switch from X to Y or vice versa) while playing the song. Is no one else having this problem?
Is there maybe an issue with the switch on the MFC? If that is the only time it happens I would guess there is a problem with that switch. I had the same problem with my old Voodoo Lab Ground Control. Just the rumble from a bass drum would somehow make that switch activate. Replaced the switch and never had another issue. Not sure how easy that would be on the MFC but just a thought.
Is there maybe an issue with the switch on the MFC? If that is the only time it happens I would guess there is a problem with that switch. I had the same problem with my old Voodoo Lab Ground Control. Just the rumble from a bass drum would somehow make that switch activate. Replaced the switch and never had another issue. Not sure how easy that would be on the MFC but just a thought.

Which switch are you talking about?
The switch on your MFC you press to swap from X to Y (or vise versa).

When you determine which switch it is, try clicking it 5-10 times. They are
self cleaning switches.

good luck.
Does it do this when you don't have the MFC connected?

Sounds like your MFC is somehow sending a signal to the CC# for Amp X/Y. If it does it with no MFC connected, then I would contact support. If it does it only with MFC connected, you might need to scour your switches and make sure none of them are somehow set up to send the CC# for Amp X/Y.
Does it do this when you don't have the MFC connected?

Sounds like your MFC is somehow sending a signal to the CC# for Amp X/Y. If it does it with no MFC connected, then I would contact support. If it does it only with MFC connected, you might need to scour your switches and make sure none of them are somehow set up to send the CC# for Amp X/Y.
It doesn't appear to do this unless connected to the MFC, but it only happens at random which is not what I would expect if there were some CC# message controls set up in the preset. I will check though.
I guess that's what I was trying to say. You may have a switch set to X/Y and it is intermittently being set off by something. Worth going thru the MFC to see. It is obviously an issue with that piece since it only happens when it is plugged in. Factory reset the MFC and start fresh if you want to be certain.
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