axe II presets for ultra?


New Member
Is there any way to access the axe II presets with an Ultra?
I sort of get that you're supposed to use axe edit.
I downloaded the V3 banks and dragged them into the "bank" folder.
I switched my configuration to II (had to turn off the axe).
But I'm not seeing the banks in the load window, and the presets that are in axe edit are all blank or won't load at all.

I'm clearly doing something wrong.

I'm hoping that I can load the presets and then change out whatever blocks don't exist in the ultra for ones that do.

Does this make any sense at all?
Thanks, people!!
I dont think its possible. the syx files for the II are a different size from the ultra. Even if you take out the blocks that the ultra doesnt do, you still wont be able to "save as" a ultra preset file.
yes but... do you get the new presets into axe-fx? (still without the ultra turned on)
even if I can't save-as, if I could open the preset in the software and write down the parameters with a pencil and paper ...and then type them back in in Ultra mode....
Axe-Edit set to II config should be able to open the bank files. Make sure you're navigating to the folder they're actually in. There's no automated way to translate settings to Gen. 1 so you'll have to do it manually somehow--on the hardware while referring to Axe-Edit, or with a second Axe-Edit instance set to Ultra config. Or write/type/screenshot the settings then use that info.
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