Axe FXIII over Zoom or FaceTime


Power User
Is is possible to use the Axe FXIII on a zoom or FaceTime call, and if so, how do you do it? I was hoping to try and rehearse some songs with a friend over zoom or FaceTime if that's possible. I never tried it before.
It's likely not going to work in practice because of latency. The way to technically do it is to use Loopback: and you can create a combined audio input that consists of your Axe FXIII and whatever mic you want to talk through and then you can select that interface in either zoom or FaceTime as the input interface.
Yes - I teach this way. But you can't real time with someone effectively since there is latency. With your audio interface, although, you can get great sounds out to your zoom members.
You guys are right about the latency with FaceTime. I just tried it with FaceTime and there was a second or two latency between me and my friend trying to sing harmonies together. I have not tried it with zoom yet.

Thanks for the tip on loopback. I''ll check that out.
I'd love to be able to do a zoom call and the person on the other end hear what I am hearing through my Axe FXIII.
The annoying thing with latency is that I don’t think it’s actually solvable either. At its extreme core electrons travel at the speed of light and that’s just not fast enough. At the speed of light (300kkm/s) light travels around the world (40kkm) 7.5 times/s which means a latency of 133ms and that alone is too much to actually work. Sure, you may not try to play (and sing) with someone on the other end of the world, but you also have latency in switches, routers, network congestion, computers, end-to-end encryption and other stuff that just won’t go away (but will likely improve) regardless of technical enhancements. But the chance that we’ll ever get down to some unnoticeable latency in our lifetime I don’t think is good.
Are any of you guys using Jamulus or Soundjack for real time jamming online successfully? They look pretty complicated to set up.

What are you guys using for real time jamming with others online?
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