AXE FXII- Matrix GT1000FX - Yamaha HS80M

Nagi Mysore

Noob question......just curious if this makes any sense...i have the axe FX II and the HS80M and was thinking of adding a GT1000FX in the middle...does that even make sense?? For basement practise only...I dont gig

If it does...what am I really expecting from the Matrix amp?? Is that gonna be just making it louder or will I "hear" more...not just volume.. At the same volume would having and not having a Matrix between make a difference??

Thanks all.

That makes no sense. The HS80M is a powered monitor. If you put a matrix between the axe and the hs80m, you will blow up your speaker.
Yes, that's exactly right.

If you already have the HS80M, you don't need anything else, though. Plug the Axe into the HS80M and you're good to go.

I use a pair of the HS80's as my studio monitors. They sound pretty good.
The HS80M monitors are *good* monitors. They're not *great* monitors, but if all you're doing is bedroom/basement rocking, they will be more than adequate. If you play in a band at all, though, I would recommend something with a little more oomph. The Matrix and some nice coaxial speakers would fit the bill nicely.
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