Axe FX Ultra Video/Audio content... (Lamb Of God Mark IV content!)

YouTube - Axe FX Ultra Lamb of God Tone Test

Hey all my guitar friends/geeks, I just uploaded a video to show the versatility of my new amp the Axe FX Ultra by Fractal Audio, this is more so tone testing to see how close i could get, dont judge my horrid playing in this video, as I said in the description, purely for tone testing purposes drop us a comment here or on my personal facebook at Dave DeliverancewePrey Bickerton | Facebook !!! Cheeeeerzzzz
sounds great. that tone is right on. good job.
also, this made me realize how similar Lambs sound is to Slayers with more gain.
good workl.
thanks for the vid.
wow, sorry to bring up an old thread, but I was looking for a tone like this for a song, and I HAD to say kudos for nailing that tone! Sounds even better than the original recording! Can you also send me the patch and/or mention what you used to get that sound? Tight playing too, well done! ;)
Holy shit! That was some nasty stuff. In a good way of course.

Love it! Greetings from Spain, man!:D Would you mind sharing this? I know the post is old, it would be cool to scare the neighbours with this, though.:twisted
Hi guys, sorry to resurrect an old thread.

Alot of people have been asking me for the patch, Ill hold off for now and work on a new one just for kicks I think as firmwares have been updated since, and an Axe FX II will be on its way come March this year!!

So please stay tuned for an updated patch for both Ultra users and II users :)
From memory it was the C+ Amp and a 4x12 Metal cab with an OD808 in front, not much bottom end, presence backed off a bit, more midrange crunch and a bit of high end, more so balanced round as a midrange tone.

Not entirely high gain or high output man, alot of it was pick attack to be honest!

Once my Axe FX II Comes in (next week) Ill get started on a new one for the dudes with II's!!!
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