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Axe-Fx Ultra tone advice/critque wanted


Hey all. I'm after some advice and/or critique on my recording tones that I'm currently using. Very new to the recording thing so forgive the badly programmed drums and sloppy playing. There's no post eq'ing done on any of the guitars in the clips.

I'm using a PRS Custom 22 with a Bareknuckle Cold Sweat in the bridge into the Ultra (v11 firmware) into Reaper.

The Chordal Lure by TEEDEE on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
This one is double tracked, and panned hard left and right

Ozcar Nominee... by TEEDEE on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
There's a bit going on with the layers in the cleans in this one so I'll have to get round to doing a basic clean sound recording. This one is also the newer of the recordings so I've since done some tweaking to the high gain sound, and tried out a different cab sim.

djenty sound , sounded quite good. what amp and cabs are you using? although i m not fan of the nasal djent sound, is´t quite good :) keep on working
Thanks! I'm using the FAS Modern with the Redwirez Orange 4x12, with what I'm pretty sure is the SM7 - cap edge 0"
Sounded fine to me, the first track riff especially, reminded me of the masterful Geordie Walker of Killing Joke.
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