Axe-FX Ultra Input Problem

Ben Randolph

Power User

I'm a long time lurker here. I've been a happy Axe-FX Ultra user since April 2010. My unit has run like a champ until Wednesday night of this week.

A bit about my setup. I'm running firmware version 11. I run my guitar into the front input of the Axe-FX and run XLR cables out to 2 Atomic Reactor FR powered cabs. I also use a Ground Control Pro with a 7-pin MIDI cable for phantom power.

I was practicing on Wednesday night like I usually do and everything sounded great. I changed to another guitar and suddenly I noticed no sound coming out of my rig. I figured the guitar I just plugged in had its volume rolled down, but it was at 10. I changed nothing on the Axe-FX itself….Input 1 was at around 7, Output around 4. Input 1 is set to Stereo.

I quickly noticed that when I played guitar no Input lights came on. It was as if the Axe-FX was getting no guitar input at all. I fiddled around a bit, checking the usual suspects. I found that if you set Input 1 to 10 you get a VERY faint signal, barely enough to register 1 green light on Input 1.

So, I tried the usual things. I tried 3 other cables I knew worked, no change. I tried 3-4 other guitars, no change. I removed the MIDI controller. I power cycled the Axe-FX numerous times. No change. I made sure the input mode was set to Front Analog. Checked levels……nothing. Tried plugging into Left Rear input and changing the input mode to Rear Analog….no change. Verified Bypass mode was not engaged.

Mind you, the ONLY thing that changed before this happened was a quick guitar-swap. I unplugged the cable from one guitar, plugged it into another.

I DID wind up getting sound by plugging the guitar cable into the Right Rear Analog input. Doing that and setting the input mode to Rear Analog works fine!

The fact that I get get my Axe-FX goodness through the Right Rear Analog input does get me by for now, but I'd really like to figure out why front and left rear appear non-functional. I really hope this is just something silly I overlooked and I'll feel really red-faced when it's explained to me!!!

I emailed Fractal Support about around 10pm CST on Wed but haven't received a reply yet. I'm hoping someone out there has experienced this and might give some insight.

Other than this the Axe-FX works like a wonderfully! In fact, if this had not occurred while I was in the middle of practice I'd think it was a configuration issue, but literally I was playing sweet tones one minute, plugged in another guitar and DEAD. I didn't touch the Axe-FX itself.

Thanks in advance, guys! Sorry to be so long-winded!

Hope people take note - THIS is how a problem will fixed - by putting in all the relevant details....what you did that caused the issue, your setup/rig, the steps you took to diagnose the problem, etc.

Hope you get the issue rectified, I'm sure that with the level of detail you included here that someone will nail the issue right on the head.
Thanks guys. Support did get back with me. It turns out that the front input and rear left input share some circuitry. What most likely happened is that when I plugged in the other guitar a static charge caused something to "pop". I was advised to send my Ultra back to Fractal for service.

So, that's a little nugget to know if anyone has a similar issue. Hopefully I'll be rockin' with the Hi-Z input again soon!
Thanks for the feedback, so others can learn too.

Were any of the guitars active ones tho?
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No, no active electronics. The Axe-FX is screwed into the rack mounts of my studio desk, though. A lot of electronics around it. Maybe I need to buy a few of those anti-static wristbands and wear them while I play ;-)
Thanks guys. Support did get back with me. It turns out that the front input and rear left input share some circuitry. What most likely happened is that when I plugged in the other guitar a static charge caused something to "pop". I was advised to send my Ultra back to Fractal for service.

So, that's a little nugget to know if anyone has a similar issue. Hopefully I'll be rockin' with the Hi-Z input again soon!

So what people in Europe would do in such a situation? Send it where? Damn...
Hope it won't happen to me !!!!
Doesn't G66 handle support issues in Europe? Do they do the actual servicing?

The Axe is a pretty solid piece of hardware. Still, this will make me pretty mindful of static electricity in the future. Maybe use this to justify an Axe-FX 2 and use my Ultra as backup ;-)
Did u pull the lid and look at the jack? Some Ultras have been known to have the guitar input come loose. Make sure its connected inside and tighten the nut on the input with a socket.
I changed to another guitar and suddenly I noticed no sound coming out of my rig.
Can you detail how you do this please?

For example: I usually mute my axe-fx input with a midi command, then I unplug the cable on the guitar side and swap the guitars. Finally I unmute via midi.
Doesn't G66 handle support issues in Europe? Do they do the actual servicing?

The Axe is a pretty solid piece of hardware. Still, this will make me pretty mindful of static electricity in the future. Maybe use this to justify an Axe-FX 2 and use my Ultra as backup ;-)

G66 will have pick up the unit at your place before you'll have the time to pack it, & they return it repaired within 2-3 business days. G66 are simply fantastic. To my experience even over the weekend they will respond to mails and surely if it's very urgent.

G66 will have pick up the unit at your place before you'll have the time to pack it, & they return it repaired within 2-3 business days. G66 are simply fantastic. To my experience even over the weekend they will respond to mails and surely if it's very urgent.


Even if you didn't buy axe from them? My unit was shipped from USA and Im not sure if I have any warranty...
Even if you didn't buy axe from them? My unit was shipped from USA and Im not sure if I have any warranty...

Eerrrll, eh... normally the legal warranty is due by your vendor, so logically you'd have to direct yourself to the company that sold you your axefx. I suggest you contact your vendor company in the US to check with them & ask if they have any agreement with FA or G66 on the matter.
Not much detail to it. Cable's plugged into front input on Axe-Fx. Leaving cable plugged in, I pull cable out of my Telecaster's jack, put it into my Strat's input jack.

The muting trick might be a good thing to do in the future. Fractal has fixed my Axe-FX (yay!) but I'll be paranoid from now on!

Can you detail how you do this please?

For example: I usually mute my axe-fx input with a midi command, then I unplug the cable on the guitar side and swap the guitars. Finally I unmute via midi.
Hmmm, I did not. I talked to Fractal and they advised I send it in to them. You have a very good point, but I didn't pull the cable out of the Axe-FX itself. No looseness to the input that I could tell, and it was 2 inputs going out (front and back left).

Did u pull the lid and look at the jack? Some Ultras have been known to have the guitar input come loose. Make sure its connected inside and tighten the nut on the input with a socket.
Hi , i have just had a simular thing happen to my ULTRA only my input LED'S on front panel(Channel 1) light up and go into the red after the inital start up sequence and stay there with NO input signal being put to it....when you try to.....No sound
The trouble is i'm in Australia and not sure if anyone here knows anything about these units ??
Mocka50, if it makes you feel any better the repair itself was very inexpensive ($62 parts and labor all told from Fractal). I get the impression that Fractal doesn't gouge you when it comes to repairs :)

Is your Axe-FX under warranty? If not perhaps you could take it to a local repair shop and put them in contact with Fractal if they have specific questions. It would save international shipping.

Is there an official repair house for these units down under?

Hi , i have just had a simular thing happen to my ULTRA only my input LED'S on front panel(Channel 1) light up and go into the red after the inital start up sequence and stay there with NO input signal being put to it....when you try to.....No sound
The trouble is i'm in Australia and not sure if anyone here knows anything about these units ??
Thanks for the reply.....that sounds great ...i was worried by the time i payed for the repair and international shipping both ways that it might be a WRITE OFF!!...We only have one company that sells Fractal here in Australia...INDEPENDENT Brisbane.No it's not under warranty and i'm not sure if they do repairs but they may be able to recommend someone down here.Thanks again for your info ....made me feel a lot easier
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