Axe FX Ultra Firmware woes


So I've had an Ultra for a little while now and I absolutely love it. I had loaded some patches and whatnot with no problems, and then set about just learning to use it, etc. Well Now I have a hankering to update the firmware; I'm at 8.02 or something and I want some of the cool new goodies.

Same midi cable, same interface, used to work perfectly, now it doesn't. AxeFX just says 'awaiting file' whilst the sysex editor 'plays' the file. Imac w/ Snow Leopard going through a Presonus Firestudio. All my connections are good, yet no worky. So I did some reading on the forums, and tried a different midi cable. Still no worky. I then tried an older imac with an M-Audio Firewire 410 as the interface and still no worky. The axe just doesn't seem to receive midi at all. I tried the editor and also, no love there either...

I've checked and reviewed all of the settings, I've followed everything to the letter, but no luck... Any suggestions? It's very frustrating how hard this thing is to get to talk to my computer... Especially when I've done it once before and it was so easy. What's changed? Is there some mystery setting I've accidentally not depressed somewhere in the deep recesses of this critter?

I just want to be able to load the firmware... (Thanks in advance)
Well. I mucked about in the 'Utilities' panel and reset all parameters, and reset all of the presets.

On a whim I thought I'd try the sysex dump and lo and behold it worked. Transfer in progress! I tried it on both systems and it works perfectly. Wierd, as I haven't done anything (as far as I know) that would warrant a reset, but whatever!

Strange, but very cool. I'm quite happy. I was about a webpage away from ordering a Podxt Pro. Of course, then i listened to the axe fx sample tracks again and remembered why I bought it in the first place!
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