Axe-Fx = stringsaver???


Fractal Fanatic
I have two tuned in E, two in D#.
I used to put new strings on 2 guitars each every gig.
Otherwise I would guaranteed be breaking strings.
Since I started gigging with the Axe-Fx, I've put new strings on all four guitars, have played nine gigs and not broken one string yet.
The axe-fx is so responsive and dynamic.
It seems I don't hit the strings as hard as I used to. I still play with a 2mm Dunlop pick.
So northing's changed there.
Another plus is that I don't play as loud as I used to since I've gone FRFR.
Still my sound is very full.
But because there are no cabs screaming in the backline, the singers don't have their monitors as loud either.
So stage volume is drastically reduced.
So it's an ear saver as well.
And a money saver since I don't gas for expensive tube amps any more ;-)
So it could be a marriage saver for some as well ;-)
Cliff, you are my saviour!!
Thanks a lot.
It's the other way round here. As I am used to play Marshall and Engls which compress quite a lot, I did not need to hit the strings very hard. Now I am playing the Axe-Fx's Recto-models and they force me into hitting the strings very very hard, because they do not compress that much.
RiF said:
It's the other way round here. As I am used to play Marshall and Engls which compress quite a lot, I did not need to hit the strings very hard. Now I am playing the Axe-Fx's Recto-models and they force me into hitting the strings very very hard, because they do not compress that much.

Same here! Of course, I'm a rather violent player, anyway. There is a HUGE difference in tone between passively striking notes and giving it some elbow (or wrist). After reading the mesa orange channel thread, I switched over to it and have gotten what I would consider to be my dream tone. I run an OD in front, but my gain is at 1.57. My drive block is Tube Drive, drive @ 3.35, tone @ 5.87, and level @ 5.59. Clip type is HV Tube. If I push the level on the drive block more, I get the most aggressive saturation I've ever had. However, I like my sound to be a bit more attack oriented, plus less gain = more clarity.
RiF said:
Now I am playing the Axe-Fx's Recto-models and they force me into hitting the strings very very hard, because they do not compress that much.
If that is a problem, increasing the sag parameter will add some compression.
I use the New Recto most of the time as well.
I like clarity as well.
My Warmoth strat with Kinmans is as clear as a bell. Somewhat like Blackmore's 70's sound.
I only use an overdrive for lead parts.
Perhaps i can post a preset so you can compare.
Jay Mitchell said:
RiF said:
Now I am playing the Axe-Fx's Recto-models and they force me into hitting the strings very very hard, because they do not compress that much.
If that is a problem, increasing the sag parameter will add some compression.
Thanx, I will try increasing the Sag parameter, some more compression would help my wrist and my picking hand thumb, which starts to hurt since I have my Axe-Fx. This has two reasons: 1) the lack of compression (which is accurate, not to blame the Axe) on the Recto models and 2) I PLAY MUCH MORE GUITAR since I have my Axe, because it's so much fun!
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