Axe FX Standard - No output.


New Member
Hi there,

I've recently bought a standard from eBay and it's been great to work with up until today where I've encountered some problems.

I was messing around with some patches and just generally looking through the global settings and utilities trying to figure things out for myself. I've clicked 'Reset System Params' and since then had no output from the Axe FX, unless using the bypass function.
Currently running the AFX through the FX loop of my rectifier, then straight to the cab. I've recently had some bother with my cab as well but I've taken the AFX out of the equation and it's all worked fine.

Can anyone help me with this or point me in the right direction of another thread regarding this problem? Nothing I've come across so far has been exactly like this.

Might this be the input volume controller setting? Don't have an Axe in front of me, but from memory it's one of the first settings in the I/O menu.
Might this be the input volume controller setting? Don't have an Axe in front of me, but from memory it's one of the first settings in the I/O menu.

As far as I'm aware everything seems fine compared to that section of the manual. I don't have another speaker to try it with but I've checked all the cables and went straight through the head/cab, works fine.
maybe check the Utility levels. See there if you're showing any output internally.

Checked that as well, it's picking up ATG input level and showing that it's outputting a signal, still no sound though. So confused haha.
What is "ATG level"?

When you tested the amp alone, did you plug your guitar into the fx loop or the normal front amp input?
What is "ATG level"?

When you tested the amp alone, did you plug your guitar into the fx loop or the normal front amp input?

That was meant to be 'an input'* iPhone changed it for me.

When I tested it the guitar was just going straight into the normal front input on the head, axe fx was completely out of the loop.

Keg8605 - sorry man, it's the single rectifier. There's just the send & return outputs for the fx loop.
I meant use output 2 of the axe into the return of your amp. You have to put an FXLoop block in the preset to try this.

Input Axe------amp block -----FXBlock leave blanks before output. Now plug the axe output 2 > amp effects loop return.
When I tested it the guitar was just going straight into the normal front input on the head, axe fx was completely out of the loop.

Thought so. I'm wondering if your amp fx loop doesn't work. Try plugging your guitar directly into the amps fx loop return and see if you get any sound. Isn't there a volume knob for that loop on the amp?
I've put my guitar in both the send & return inputs in the back of the head, picks up the signal fine.

Then I tried going from Send(recto) to Input 2(Axe) & Return(recto) to Output 1(Axe), this seems to be picking up the Axe FX sound but previously I've had it plugged in to Output 2(axe fx loop) and it's all worked fine.

I'm so confused right now. Haha
I could be mistaken but you shouldn't hear anything if you plug your guitar into the send of your amp.

So output 2 of your axe seems to be working?

So to be clear guitar>axe input front and axe output1 to your Rectifiers Loop return doesn't work?
This is a long shot, but where do you have your output levels (the physical knobs) set on the front panel of your Axe? Make sure output 2 is set high enough that your Recto's return is receiving a signal. This could be easily overlooked if you normally use output 1 as your primary volume.
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