Axe Fx in Oz?


New Member
Hi all. First post. Very interested in buying the Axe Fx, but can't locate a dealer in Australia. Does anyone have any suggestions?
leperclown said:
Hi all. First post. Very interested in buying the Axe Fx, but can't locate a dealer in Australia. Does anyone have any suggestions?

You have to go direct.
When you get it, please let me know; I'm trying to build up a list of Oz users to get together occasionally for a cuppa & a chat.

Check my MySpace url.

You have to order direct from the fractal website.

I'm on the waiting list for an ultra when they are back in stock, hopefully not long now! Can't wait!
I'm in the same boat! There are a few Ultras popping up on eBay these days with sellers willing to ship internationally if you're keen on that. They go for about $2,800-$3000k AUD which I believe is more expensive than going direct but minus the many, many months of waiting. The PSU is universal.
For all those that are unsure the process of importing an Axe FX Ultra into Australia (Sydney) I'll give you the run down.

I bought the unit online at the Fractal Audio yahoo store;

Axe FX Ultra $1,999.95 USD
Shipping Cost to Australia $134.95 USD

The total costs were as follows

Axe FX + Shipping Totaling $2,690.82 AUD
Mastercard International Transaction fee $79.38 AUD
Customs Duty $125.94 AUD
GST $281.47 AUD
Customs Entry Processing Fee $48.85 AUD

Final Total = $3,226.46 AUD

Customs make you fill out three forms to scan and email to customs;
1 Importer Details
2 Exporter Details
3 Import Declaration for the goods you are importing

You then need to provide the commercial Invoice (from the Yahoo Store) & proof of purchase (Transaction form my bank account)

They then processed the paper work and sent me a form to fill out with my banking details as soon as I send it they will release the Axe FX Ultra to continue its journey to my place.

Fingers crossed it is here by the end of the week :?

I hope this helps any of those people looking to purchase an axe in the near future.
Rock on
I think more people in Oz should buy Standards. I'm feeling increasingly inferior to all the Ultra owners here. :lol:

And I bought mine when the A$ was at about US$0.95 :oops: :lol:

kitch nice work,
are you the friend of Sean RUdd??? he was telling me that hed been trying to convince you to get one,...???

I attempted, sadly to no avail, to get some sort of paper-work from Cliff/Fractal regarding "Made in the USA", so we could avoid paying such high import duties.
The response I received was "it says "Made In The USA" on the little sticker on the back"..........
Well, English is our first language here, most of us are very well educated compared with the rest of the Western world, so that was rather less than helpful.

I understand that we're only a tiny market, but I got no-where with it.

If anyone in Oz has had any luck getting some solid info, maybe you could post it for future buyers?
FWIW, my import duties were higher than those reported above.

stratcat said:
I think more people in Oz should buy Standards. I'm feeling increasingly inferior to all the Ultra owners here. :lol:

And I bought mine when the A$ was at about US$0.95 :oops: :lol:

Hear Hear!! I bought my standard at about the same time - I wish I had have sprung for the Ultra though!
monkjunior said:
kitch nice work,
are you the friend of Sean RUdd??? he was telling me that hed been trying to convince you to get one,...???


Hey Dave,

I've been meaning to cal you to ask some questions.

Will give you a call when I get stuck into the Ultra

Rock on
onebaldbloke said:
I attempted, sadly to no avail, to get some sort of paper-work from Cliff/Fractal regarding "Made in the USA", so we could avoid paying such high import duties.
The response I received was "it says "Made In The USA" on the little sticker on the back"..........
Well, English is our first language here, most of us are very well educated compared with the rest of the Western world, so that was rather less than helpful.

I understand that we're only a tiny market, but I got no-where with it.

If anyone in Oz has had any luck getting some solid info, maybe you could post it for future buyers?
FWIW, my import duties were higher than those reported above.


Yeah the Made in the USA thing I figured would be hard to get and I didn't want to wait another week to get something official. I believe to avoid the duty the item needs to be made of all USA parts and built in the USA. Figured that the components used would be imported form elsewhere as with most electrical gear.

If I had have known the duty was going to be that high I would have waited.

Rock on
Spot on. All components basically need to be US made or the FTA is out the window. I've heard of some stuff getting through but it's rare.

I have another guitar on the way from the US so preparing for battle with Customs on this once more.

nice one, i am guessing seany has already earmarked it for some serious time in his studio... ha ha...

cool with the questions but als i only have a standard too.... ;-( wish i had sprung for an ultra, am kinda guesssing that one will be in my near future anyway..... (eventually have the standard as a backup!!!)

catch ya soon
Kitch said:
For all those that are unsure the process of importing an Axe FX Ultra into Australia (Sydney) I'll give you the run down.

I bought the unit online at the Fractal Audio yahoo store;

Axe FX Ultra $1,999.95 USD
Shipping Cost to Australia $134.95 USD

The total costs were as follows

Axe FX + Shipping Totaling $2,690.82 AUD
Mastercard International Transaction fee $79.38 AUD
Customs Duty $125.94 AUD
GST $281.47 AUD
Customs Entry Processing Fee $48.85 AUD

Final Total = $3,226.46 AUD

Customs make you fill out three forms to scan and email to customs;
1 Importer Details
2 Exporter Details
3 Import Declaration for the goods you are importing

You then need to provide the commercial Invoice (from the Yahoo Store) & proof of purchase (Transaction form my bank account)

They then processed the paper work and sent me a form to fill out with my banking details as soon as I send it they will release the Axe FX Ultra to continue its journey to my place.

Fingers crossed it is here by the end of the week :?

I hope this helps any of those people looking to purchase an axe in the near future.
Rock on

That is intense!!
I'm in Melbourne, Australia and I just received my Axe-Fx Ultra from the US today.
I didn't have to pay any duty - just GST and the customs processing fee.
According to the customs import schedule, there's really nothing that completely describes the Axe-Fx.
The closest I found was "synthesiser" - which is exempt from duty.
For the form B374 customs import declaration, the tariff classification for this is 92071000 and the Stat Code is 47.

Surprisingly, the whole process was quite painless and quick.
I've heard a few people have managed to get theirs through Australian Customs without duty however this is rare and unlikely. Cliff now puts all the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) paperwork in and it seems this get the duty down to 5% - that's what I got anyway.

soularflair said:
I'm in Melbourne, Australia and I just received my Axe-Fx Ultra from the US today.
I didn't have to pay any duty - just GST and the customs processing fee.
According to the customs import schedule, there's really nothing that completely describes the Axe-Fx.
The closest I found was "synthesiser" - which is exempt from duty.
For the form B374 customs import declaration, the tariff classification for this is 92071000 and the Stat Code is 47.

Surprisingly, the whole process was quite painless and quick.

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