Axe FX III Tone Match Exported syx sounds quiet


New Member
Hey folks,

So I have been using the Tone Match block in the Axe Fx III and wanted to transfer the good results on my other units (in this case FM3). However I noticed that upon exporting the syx no matter where I put it either in the FM3 or back in the Axe Fx III as a cab IR it sounds really quiet and upon turning up the volume (no matter from where) it starts sounding quite different and doesn't have the same character.

So my question is am I missing something or this thing is just buggy as I have noticed on other blocks as well?
There is probably some normalisation in terms of volume. As far as the character of the sound is concerned, I have no problems with it. The exported SYX always sounds the same as the original TMA, to me.
Is there a way track that?
For me it is easiest to compare the original Axe-Fx III preset with the FM3 preset, where I used the exported SYX file from the TMA block. I can do this very easily, given that I have both units connected side by side directly to the console. I can switch the output from any unit in a split second. It always sounds exactly the same to me.

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