Axe-Fx III Changing presets on its own

Not sure if related, but I do a lot of complicated midi into Ax3 via midi cable from midi foot controllers (not FC) and software (Bome Midi Translator Pro). When programmimg something new, I'll invariably screw up and send some sort of garbage midi to Axefx. The Ax3's reaction to this is that the front panel display will show a blue line at top or bottom (can't remember which off hand), and the preset switching becomes messed up until I either reboot the unit or send a proper preset change.
Sun spots!

That's the classic IT answer ;)
Me: <Fill in name of any computer problem.>
IT: Did you reboot you're machine? You need to reboot you're machine.
Me: Yes, just did that before I called you.
IT: Try rebooting again.
Me: (Shake my head in disappointment, then hang up.)

On a different note, maybe these units are trying to tell their owners something, maybe they don't care for the tone that is being played.
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