Axe-Fx III Amp Model List

I recently received my Axe-Fx III with an FC-6, an EV-2 and playing through a Matrix GT1000FX with a 2x12 Vertical Mesa Cab and absolutely love it!

Since I didn't know what all the amp model names were based on, I relied heavily on Yek's Wiki page and his guides which are awesome. I wanted something quicker to reference so I put together the attached summaries of all the amp models. Has the Axe-Fx amp model number, Axe-Fx amp model name, what real life amp it's based on, and some additional notes if necessary.

3 Versions: First is sorted by Axe-Fx amp number, second is sorted by Axe-Fx amp model name, and the 3rd is sorted by the real life amps the Axe-Fx models are based on.

Easy to update, easy to print, and handy to have so I wanted to share it with all of you. I recently saw some posts of members that were looking for something similar as well.

I did get approval from Yek to post this since the majority of this is coming from his work. I'd be happy to update as future amp models come out.

Thank you for your work! Why not share it as a live link to a google spreadsheet instead of PDF?
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Glad you all like the amp model lists! I've never done a live spreadsheet online so if someone wants to take my PDFs and upload them as spreadsheets, I'm all for it. Or maybe we can get them uploaded to the Wiki page as someone mentioned.

I'm happy to send anyone files or rework them so everyone can have access to them.
This is brilliant! Thanks for uploading so we can collaborate on adding content.
I was thinking a new tab for the list off effects, especially the Drives but no reason to stop there ;).
Could someone post this on the FM3 board? Very beneficial to them too! I'd do it but I'm on mobile and it's too clunky.
This is why I created my base presets this way. Bass is blue, Preamps are orange, rest is well, white ;).
You can also use the search box to only view Bass Amps or only Fender amps. I don't do well with aliases or abstraction ;0.
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