Axe FX II XL locking up


New Member
I have had my Axe FX II XL about two months and the MFC 101 about a month. The Axe FX locks up about thirty seconds after I originally turn it on and produces a high pictch tone. If I turn it off and then back on again it will work fine. Any thoughts on what is going on?
Is it every preset or just one?

Does it happen when you start the Axe-fx with the recall button pressed while powering up (loads a blank preset)?

What firmware are you on?

Is your USB connected when it happens?
It happens with and without the Axe FX being connected via usb to a computer. I don't press a recall button while powering up. It is connected via cat5 cable to the MFC 101. It happens about 30 seconds to a minute after I power it on. If I turn the unit off and then on again it seems to work fine after that.
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