Axe-FX II: SRV - Tightrope ("Dimension D" on vs off)


Power User
So I've ALWAYS wanted to try a Dimension D. But they are studio $$ toys and never got my hands on one... with the Axe FX I've got it! Very interesting sound. Almost can't tell its there, until its not!

Walking Tightrope


here is the first solo with the Dimension D

here is the first solo with the chorus block turned off

Pretty fun stuff.

Patch download not up. This is for the 12.03b4 BETA and not sure people should be uploading patches in beta form. I'll post when its now longer beta. BUT if you would really like the patch, message me and I'll email it.

EDIT: Here is the patch. too many PMs for me to email:) PATCH DOWNLOAD
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Awesome stuff Tyler!! Really noticeable when effect is on and off but in a lovely subtle way.
Thanks for sharing. Pm sent.
Really great !! I'm a huge SRV fan, and I'm impressed by the sound and the playing singing ..
that chorus just adds so much to the sound, I'm having a ball with it ..

on your website you have a couple of videos, playing a strat ... what kind of pickups are those?

have a good one

really great and awesome playing, the effect is subtle but still there. Thought i don´t like chorus in leadpatches, but now i have to reconsider

Nice tone man ,sounds like you have doubler effect there! What settings did you use ,and where was that Dimension D in the chain?

So I've ALWAYS wanted to try a Dimension D. But they are studio $$ toys and never got my hands on one... with the Axe FX I've got it! Very interesting sound. Almost can't tell its there, until its not!

Walking Tightrope


here is the first solo with the Dimension D

here is the first solo with the chorus block turned off

Pretty fun stuff.

Patch download not up. This is for the 12.03b4 BETA and not sure people should be uploading patches in beta form. I'll post when its now longer beta. BUT if you would really like the patch, message me and I'll email it.
on your website you have a couple of videos, playing a strat ... what kind of pickups are those?

have a good one


The strat on this recording is original 1973 pickups

The strat on the videos on my website has Rocketfire pickups in the neck/mid and a Don Mare in the bridge.
Wow great playing! Both sound really good but I prefer it without for that tune, it has more body and fits the song style better.
Thanks for the patch. Will try later today. Never have been able to come up with a convincing SRV patch myself (might have to do with my guitars or -even more logical- my skills) :-0

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