axe fx ii routing to rme fireface 800 help


I'm having trouble getting set up to track.

I can't get sound of out my monitors.

Can someone break it down step by step???

Im running logic pro 9 on a imac.

Do you want to monitor it direct or through Logic Pro?
If direct than click in TotalMix on the main out, thain raise the HW input where the Axe is connected.
Whatever way is more common. I thought this would be an easy question cause its basically asking people how do you set up your axe fx to record because im sure half of you guys use it fod recording. I just heard its sometimes better to go through an audio interface than stand alone usb and use the axe fx as the soundcard with the monitors plugged in. .
I don't know what's the more common way but I use it like mentioned above. I do not use AxeFX's USB to record, I have a strong belief that RME is more suited for recording interface. AxeFX is connected to my RME by SPDIF.
Does the Spdif .. (1 cable out ) carry a stereo signal)?

I don't know what's the more common way but I use it like mentioned above. I do not use AxeFX's USB to record, I have a strong belief that RME is more suited for recording interface. AxeFX is connected to my RME by SPDIF.
Don't use the SPDIF OUT to the RME SPDIF IN with the AXE and the RME FF800. (And yes SPDIF is stereo)

SPDIF out form the AXE is locked at 48k and can't be overridden by the clock in the RME (which you want to use as the master clock)
You would be forced to record at 48k always or UP/DOWN sample which is never ideal.

The easiest, 'most common' way to use the AXE FX and the RME FF800 is run mono or stereo out (Analog) from the back of the AXE to any ONE or TWO inputs in the RME (front or back).
The FF800 converters are outstanding. This gives you complete control in Total Mix to do as you please.
Don't use the SPDIF OUT to the RME SPDIF IN with the AXE and the RME FF800. (And yes SPDIF is stereo)

SPDIF out form the AXE is locked at 48k and can't be overridden by the clock in the RME (which you want to use as the master clock)
You would be forced to record at 48k always or UP/DOWN sample which is never ideal.

The easiest, 'most common' way to use the AXE FX and the RME FF800 is run mono or stereo out (Analog) from the back of the AXE to any ONE or TWO inputs in the RME (front or back).
The FF800 converters are outstanding. This gives you complete control in Total Mix to do as you please.

So.. as far as using the 2 analog outputs on the back of the Axe. For stereo.. should I use the 2 "balanced" XLR outputs to the 2 TRS balanced inputs on my Fireface 800? The only other option I see on the Axe is the 1/4 Unbalanced outputs just below the XLR balanced ones. The back of the Fireface has all "Balanced" inputs & outputs. I thought balanced was better for recording? Thanks so much again!
So.. as far as using the 2 analog outputs on the back of the Axe. For stereo.. should I use the 2 "balanced" XLR outputs to the 2 TRS balanced inputs on my Fireface 800? The only other option I see on the Axe is the 1/4 Unbalanced outputs just below the XLR balanced ones. The back of the Fireface has all "Balanced" inputs & outputs. I thought balanced was better for recording? Thanks so much again!

If you have balanced cables, use them. If not, don't. You won't notice with something like an amp box like the AXE. 'Balanced' is better only when the rest of the chain/system/studio is balanced. Less noise in certain situations but you will not notice a thing in the AXE. I run balanced cables with my monitors and high end mic pres because that is all they provide for I/Os. Cheers.
Just wanted to clarify how my setup is. Everything in my studio is "balanced". I won't be plugging a guitar into the Axe at all. I will be mic 'ing my Spanish guitar with very high end mics through some Avalon pre's into my Fireface 800. The Axe will be patched into the AI strictly for it's pristine effects. So if you were me.. would you come out of the Axe's "Balanced" XLR's into the Fireface 800 or the Axe's Unbalanced outputs (using balanced cables)? Defiantly need low noise with what I am recording. This should give me the answer I need and I really appreciate it bro!
Either record at 48K and use SPDIF, or record at whatever sample rate you want and use balanced cables in and out of the Axe.
Either record at 48K and use SPDIF, or record at whatever sample rate you want and use balanced cables in and out of the Axe.

So use the Axe XLR "Balanced" outs with balanced cables strait into my AI right? All the other analog outs are "Unbalanced". And when you say in & out of the Axe. Don't I need to just come out of the Axe.. strait into 2 seperate Fireface ins? Sorry for my confusion :?
Just wanted to clarify how my setup is. Everything in my studio is "balanced". I won't be plugging a guitar into the Axe at all. I will be mic 'ing my Spanish guitar with very high end mics through some Avalon pre's into my Fireface 800. The Axe will be patched into the AI strictly for it's pristine effects. So if you were me.. would you come out of the Axe's "Balanced" XLR's into the Fireface 800 or the Axe's Unbalanced outputs (using balanced cables)? Defiantly need low noise with what I am recording. This should give me the answer I need and I really appreciate it bro!

Wait, what happened to this thread? I was answering the OPs question.

Using the AXE as an 'effects' only box while tracking with mics is a totally different setup and no where near ideal in this situation..
I doubt you want to print these effects while recording? If by some reason you really are, (a not so good but plausible way) is Avalon OUT- AXE IN - AXE OUT - RME IN to DAW.
Thats its. That creates alot of potential problems with levels during recording and I can't imagine you would go this route.

If you want to use the AXE for effects after recording (best way) the setup is entirely dependent on the DAW you are using and if it can use external hardware as a plugin. RME FF800 can rout for it no problem. Cubase and Nuendo both allow this.
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