Axe Fx II Necrophagist Diminished To B Outro

Heard it this time. Is that a 1:04 outro? What does the rest of the song sound like!? Also I am curious about drums.. what did you use?
Hey man, its the outro section from the song Diminished To B by Necrophagist haha.
For the drums i used superior drummer cheers!
That's one of my favourite riffs by Necrophagist. It's also one of their only riffs I can actually play, hahaha! I used to play that riff a lot to practise string skipping combined with alternate picking. I still play it from time to time to warm up. Can you play more of their stuff? If so, I'd love to hear it.

Necrophagist got me into tech/prog death metal years ago. I remember the first time I heard 'Stabwound' and 'Only Ash Remains.' Great stuff!
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