Legacy Axe-FX II - Metal (Dorthal)

I really like that "tic ti tic ti taaaaac ti tic ti" it's so cool. I think it's sort of a new thing with gates and stuff because not everything sound as tight right?
I think I first heard it from tesseract or something, at least when I first noticed it. I was like, heeey, that's really "tic ti tic tic taaac titictic" and I like it!
I'm not sure if that has any value at all, I mean.. I also like tic tacs. Sounds good anyway, tastes good too! <3
Thanks man !

And you're right, the gate (noise gate) makes it really tight, and by muting the strings with the right AND left hand, you can get that "tic" sound :D

TesseracT really inspire me a lot, and I first heard it from them too !
Oh how I'm going to tic ti tic taaaac ti ticiti when i get my II. I'll follow you. Eager to hear new things. Would love for someone to make more of the effects, trying to get new sounds.
I'm going to make the vocoder my signature for sure! I love daft punk and i'm gonna have this robotic mechanical thing going, anyway.
Make more sounds everyone! I'd love to hear more on soundcloud. Nice effects n stuff. Wee need more bit crushing and ugly stuff :D
Thank you. i'll have some more please :roll

Edit: Not only does this sound great Eldogond, it sounds fantastic. Speaks this language of wisdom.
Like a wall of bricks coming at you, one by one. You never know which is next. At the same time its got that gentle touch.
Like a big hand from above, picking you up swinging you around the world. Its the wall of china! And statue of liberty!
Ye its deffinatley got that never ending story-feel to it.
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Totally Gonna snag this record. Post a link when It's done?!

Sounds great. Great Mix and Mastering

Was hoping you might even post the patches you used in this track.

I think MANY of us would be very happy. Thanks-
If you play leads/solos and there isnt growling I would buy too, any chance of these things?
Sounds really good... you clearly know what you're doing with recording. I like the song too.
That sounds awesome! Any chance you can share the patch? And any post processing tips? Mainly for the part at 1:55. Is it quad tracked? Sounds alot like Meshuggah.
Wow, sorry guys, I didn't checked the forum since a while !
First of all : THANKS ! :D

I finished the EP few days ago, and I received the mastered tracks (mastered at 4D Sounds, by Acle Kahney of TesseracT). It will be release the 31st of January !

The 1:51 part is quad-tracked, 2 rhythm guitars, and 2 others, playing nearly the same thing, up an octave.

I'm really sorry, but I won't share my rhythm patch :/
I can explain how I manage to get this sound, actually it's pretty easy :
Gate/Expander ==> Drive (Tube Drive) ==> Amp (FAS Modern) ==> Cabinet (4x12 Citrus V30 (RW))
Lot of mids and presence, EQing on Cubase (mids, more mids ! and low cut).

The Mayones Regius 7 also sounds f***** good ! Split pickup (Seymour Duncan here) helps a lot to achieve this bite.

I hope it will help !

I'll post a new thread when the EP will be out by the way :mrgreen
how do you get to record the tone from the axe?! I keep trying to record but the sound on logic is too fuzzy or doesnt sound anything like the would sound on cab itself..
Not sure to get what you mean !
Axe FX II =USB=> PC, and nothing else. The sound doesn't change for me, what I hear is what I record.
I had some trouble with double tracking, loosing a lot of presence, but with the mastering it's not a problem.

If it's fuzzy, try to change the drive, or maybe less treble and bit more mids/bass !

Edit : I've upload a teaser video few days ago, around 2:12 until the end, you can hear more recording !
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What are you setting your noise gate at? BTW awesome song!!! Post up the link once its released so I can buy it. Got to actually meet tesseract a couple of months ago and they finally gave up they're tuning. Its INSANE!!!
Thanks guys :D

About my gate settings :

Threshold -27dB
Ratio 2.00
Attack 1.00ms
Hold 4.00ms
Release 6.00ms
Low Cut 10Hz
High Cut 20000Hz
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