AXE FX II -> MATRIX GT800FX -> EVM12L Speakers - Cabs sim on or off ?



Just setting up my rig, so not changed anything yet.

is my setup of AXE FX II -> MATRIX GT800FX -> 2x Mesa Boogie 1x12 EVM12L's intended to be used with CABS SIM on or off ?

Does anyone else have this setup and could offer advice on which route to take.

I intend to Run FOH from OUT1 and poweramp & cabs from out 2


Yek and Lightning boy both prefer them with cab sims off - where the flatter respopnse of the EVs (compared to other speakers) allows the amp sims to show their full characture, where as Smilefan in the US prefes cab sims on - with a little post amp sim EQ I think - to enable the use of the various cabs.

As always - its what works for you. personally I havent tried yet (soon - soon) but from what Ive heard I "think" ill still runcab sims off - but I wont know for sure until Ive played with both.
At low vol level cab sims make the EVM sound better, more bass, more character.
At louder levels they make the tone mushy and dark IMHO, at least with a closed back cab.

Part of my decision to use a power amp / speaker cab was based on simplifying things, so take that into consideration.
At low vol level cab sims make the EVM sound better, more bass, more character.
At louder levels they make the tone mushy and dark IMHO, at least with a closed back cab.

Part of my decision to use a power amp / speaker cab was based on simplifying things, so take that into consideration.
Hi Guys,

thanks for the replies, I agree what you are saying, and can confirm the EV's do sound better at low volume with the cabs on, however my intention is to play loud :D

So I guess I could because I do have the closed back cabs I could actually leave the CABS SIM on for OUT1 FOH and use OUT1 for the EV's at home & for setting up and then use OUT2 with CABS SIM off for gigging via the FX loop.

That sounds like a plan

Although on the other hand CABS SIMS do take a lot of CPU and if I'm not getting the benefit on stage then maybe the simple route is better. Decisions Decisions :roll
I do have the closed back cabs I could actually leave the CABS SIM on for OUT1 FOH and use OUT1 for the EV's at home & for setting up and then use OUT2 with CABS SIM off for gigging via the FX loop.

That's how I roll.

To keep cab simul. available while saving on CPU usage: set the Cab block to LoRes. You won't notice any difference, and it gives you more CPU room.
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