AXE-FX II Front Panel Update?


Just wondering with the AX8 interface having the main amp block dials onboard, if a similar future update for the AXE-FX II or III would include something like that. BTW it looks killer!!!
Given that a) the III does not exist as far as anyone knows, b) an 'update' to the II would certainly create a coding nightmare for a vastly different interface, and c) that your asking a bunch of folks who have as much clue as you do, the answer as GeezerJohn already mentioned can only be "soon"
Personally for a rack unit I would like as little knobs if anything on the front if possible. Let all the controls be done via Axe-Edit instead. Which I do already, so all I ever use is the volume knob. Some onboard wifi would be nice so you can control the Axe without cables from a laptop, tablet or smartphone. And connectors on the front, so no more having to fumble in the back in the darkness of a rack in the darkness of a stage. Methinks no longer having to provide any controls on the front might even bring down costs.
Personally for a rack unit I would like as little knobs if anything on the front if possible. Let all the controls be done via Axe-Edit instead. Which I do already, so all I ever use is the volume knob. Some onboard wifi would be nice so you can control the Axe without cables from a laptop, tablet or smartphone. And connectors on the front, so no more having to fumble in the back in the darkness of a rack in the darkness of a stage. Methinks no longer having to provide any controls on the front might even bring down costs.

I'm the exact opposite. I do almost all of my programming from the front panel. V B M T MV knobs on the front would be great but as AlGrenadine says, there are other options available now.
I'm sure this has been asked already but how do I programme the Quick Control knobs for something like Gain, Bass, Treble, MV or whatever?
I'm the exact opposite. I do almost all of my programming from the front panel. V B M T MV knobs on the front would be great but as AlGrenadine says, there are other options available now.

Thing is though, having all the extra control functions costs extra dough. That's why the Behringer X32 rack mounted mixer with front controls costs more then the separate engine only unit. Since most people seem to be using Axe Edit, and it probably costs too much to design a version with and one without controls, what makes more sense for Fractal in the future? Design a rack unit with controls for a smaller group of users while most don't even use it, but still pay for it? Or leave it out altogether and make the unit cheaper for everybody and thus more competitive?

Front controls were necessary in the days of yore, when there were no software editors and everything had to be programmed by hand up front, but in this day and age its a relic. Akin to old cell phones which still have actual buttons and a keyboard. Remember those? Those pretty much disappeared quickly once the iPhone came out. Of course since musicians are arch conservative who haven't discovered fire yet front controls will probably still be with us for a long time.
Thing is though, having all the extra control functions costs extra dough. That's why the Behringer X32 rack mounted mixer with front controls costs more then the separate engine only unit. Since most people seem to be using Axe Edit, and it probably costs too much to design a version with and one without controls, what makes more sense for Fractal in the future? Design a rack unit with controls for a smaller group of users while most don't even use it, but still pay for it? Or leave it out altogether and make the unit cheaper for everybody and thus more competitive?

Front controls were necessary in the days of yore, when there were no software editors and everything had to be programmed by hand up front, but in this day and age its a relic. Akin to old cell phones which still have actual buttons and a keyboard. Remember those? Those pretty much disappeared quickly once the iPhone came out. Of course since musicians are arch conservative who haven't discovered fire yet front controls will probably still be with us for a long time.

They thought is was worth while to put V B M T MV on the AX8. Also, I don't want to take a laptop to a gig & try to rely on that to do on the fly adjustments. No where near practical. I know everyone has their own way of working & there isn't a 1 size fits all that will make everyone happy. I'm fine with the way the Axe is but would not be thrilled if the Axe III had less knobs or front panel control.
My guess is that far less people are using the physical amp knobs on the AX8 as you would expect.

It's a pity that the BCD knobs on the Axe-Fx currently are not fully exploited, on the Recall screen.
They thought is was worth while to put V B M T MV on the AX8.

True. But with a floorboard different rules do tend to apply. For one its directly in front of you as opposed to somewhere in the back of the stage. So you tend to view it more as a pedalboard rather then rack gear. And even then I've never bothered to learn how those controls work on my AX-8, or on my Line 6 Pod XT Live and 500HD. When on stage I want to play, not bother with scrolling through menus and finetuning sounds. Tweaking I do home and in rehearsal. If it doesn't completely sounds the way it should I leave it to the FOH and monitor techs to compensate during the show.

Also, I don't want to take a laptop to a gig & try to rely on that to do on the fly adjustments. No where near practical. I know everyone has their own way of working & there isn't a 1 size fits all that will make everyone happy. I'm fine with the way the Axe is but would not be thrilled if the Axe III had less knobs or front panel control.

You have every right to feel that way. Although like I said, if an Axe III came with onboard WIFI and Axe Edit straight on your smartphone, you don't need to take a laptop to a gig and on the fly editing would be easy peasy on your phone.

We've grown accustomed to all those front controls because that's the way its always been done. But it no longer has too. Probably the next big step is a single software editor that can work with ALL effect units that are hooked up together. So you no longer need to install separate editors for your Fractal and Line6 gear. One giant editor to rule them all and in USB bind them! Like the traditional MIDI controller.

My guess is that far less people are using the physical amp knobs on the AX8 as you would expect.

Raises hand. Never used those. Not even on my old Line 6 gear. I went straight to software editors for all of them.
The RAC12 covers all my needs there. You have a direct functions on every knob as well as hidden functions that only apear when you press a knob or doubleclick or hold. You see 12 parameters at once on one page, you see the original value when you tweak a knob, you can send midi...
When in the rehearse, I just need to turn a certain knob to edit, no need to enter a submenu.
An AxeFx II with an RAC, that already is the AFXIII...
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