Axe-FX 3 -> FM9 ?


Will there be a way to port Axe FX 3 Presets to the FM9?

It would be FANTASTIC if I could keep my Axe FX 3 in a primary big-gig rack, then blow my Presets into the FM9 for smaller events and very tight pits.

I know it's probably asking too much, but.......?
Hmmmm.... This has me thinking. I generally am not a fan of floor-based devices, but if I can use the rack unit to develop everything and then just use the floor unit for performance......hmmmm.......
Grid size not an issue - same editor grid for FM9 and III.

There are some block limits on FM9 compared ot the III.

Good comparison chart is here:

For example, four Drive blocks on the III, but just three allowed on the FM9, and just two on the FM3.

So if you use four drive blocks in an III preset and try to import that preset into the FM9, Drive4 will disappear in the FM9 version.
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Great to see all the I/O available.

Is there any chance that future firmware updates for the FM9 would allow a more modular approach that would allow users to swap out Blocks they might not need? Or does the overall design not allow this?

For example, it would be great to sacrifice some Blocks to allow an Axe III style scenario of 2 x Pitch Blocks, Tone Match and IR Player which aren't currently available.
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