Axe-Fx 2 user wants to know what you prefer about the Axe-Fx 3

I've only had the Axe III but I can say that from firmwares 1.x - to 12.x the improvements to the sound have been incredible. The amps sound and play more dynamic, the effects have gone from useable to top notch, and it's a really easy interface to use.

This is coming from someone who doesn't play the modeler metal sound. I use a lot of clean-dirtyish Fender and Marshall sound.

For the metal sound, it's probably unbeatable.
The control switch and a PITCH block at the beginning of my chain allow for a latching downtune that is unaffected by scenes/presets. That feature is badass if you're in a coverband and don't want Eb versions of all your presets. Now I can ACTUALLY fit all the blocks I want in a single preset, whereas on my XL I was always maxed out on CPU for the big presets.
On a completely different reason also for the kitchen sink preset approach is the fact that the MFC was all tap! and limited to 17 switches if you ran all your presets on one page with the reveal button. MFC was very limiting in what you could access in AXE FX MODE. I never used it out of Axe Fx Mode as it was idiot proof! You can actually access the power of a single preset now with layouts and TAP/HOLD. Best of all, no MIDI!!! FC settings are backed up. It's bonehead simple now. I was clamping a AX8 to my steel guitar, now the FC6 fits under the steel guitar next to the volume pedal. Guitar and Pedal Steel guitar all in one touring rig with a FC12 and FC6. So it's even quicker setup time for me, err was LOL
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IMO, there are too many changes and differences for them to be comparable anymore. Maybe during the initial cycle of firmware rollout, but not now. The III has left everything else in the dust, including Fractal's own legacy products. That's not to say the II isn't useful or valuable, but the III is in a league of it's own.

Maybe the only item that is similar between these two boxes is the shunt block. No upgrades to that.
The control switch and a PITCH block at the beginning of my chain allow for a latching downtune that is unaffected by scenes/presets. That feature is badass if you're in a coverband and don't want Eb versions of all your presets. Now I can ACTUALLY fit all the blocks I want in a single preset, whereas on my XL I was always maxed out on CPU for the big presets.
INteresting. Not being a 3 user I'm not sure what you meant by the control switch.

With the 2, if you place as modifier on a parameter in the "X" state the modifier will also appear on the same parameter in the "Y" state. I'm guessing you mean that the 3 is not limited in this way, each channel can have it's own set of modifier assignments. Am I right?
The improved Phaser, Flanger, Plex-Delay, and Pitch blocks!

What improvements are made to the Flanger and the Pitch blocks?

I've had a look at the Block guide document and it looks like there are some more "Types" added that are specific to particular flanger pedals. But what other improvements have been made for the Flanger (and pitch block)?
I've had a look at the Block guide for the Rotary and there doesn't seem to be any additional parameters. Has it been updated though? I like the Rotary in the Axe Fx 2 but I thought the drive parameter was a major let down and did almost nothing until it was at extreme levels and then still sounded weak and useless. I thought that fixing the drive parameter to more accurately resemble the drive of a real leslie then it would be amazing. I'd love to hear that it's been updated.
Regarding the Drive parameter: it makes a lot difference where the Rotary block is placed: before or after the amp.
Wouldn't depend on it though for the overdriven rotary sound. A drive block works better IMHO.
Regarding the Drive parameter: it makes a lot difference where the Rotary block is placed: before or after the amp.
Wouldn't depend on it though for the overdriven rotary sound. A drive block works better IMHO.

Ok cool. So I'd always run the Rotary after a clean Amp and before the Cab block. But what Drive block model are you using to get the driven rotary sound? What order would you run the chain in? I'm imagining DRIVE -- AMP -- ROTARY -- CAB or would you suggest AMP --DRIVE -- ROTARY -- CAB or AMP -- ROTARY -- DRIVE -- CAB? What order of block would you use?

I badly love rotary but I've never been able to get a good driven rotary tone on the Axe Fx 2. Love to have your help on this.
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What improvements are made to the Flanger and the Pitch blocks?

I've had a look at the Block guide document and it looks like there are some more "Types" added that are specific to particular flanger pedals. But what other improvements have been made for the Flanger (and pitch block)?

Well the pitch block was just updated in last night's beta and it's much, much improved. I've only tried the virtual capo so far but it's much clearer now when drop tuning. Feels like less latency too.
What improvements are made to the Flanger and the Pitch blocks?

I've had a look at the Block guide document and it looks like there are some more "Types" added that are specific to particular flanger pedals. But what other improvements have been made for the Flanger (and pitch block)?
It's in the 'Flanger' PDF that was included with 12.00 release notes.


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