Axe fx 2, ultra, or standard?


I currently own the standard and love this thing but thinking about upgrading for more cpu and the cool synth effects. So the question is should I just go for the 2 or the Ultra? Is the sound quality that noticeable? Is it worth it? Whats the main difference between the 2 and the ultra? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :D
Get the 2. I just skipped the Ultra and jumped from the Standard to the 2. It is great and well worth the money. Extra effects, better amps and better effects.

The USB recording is awesome. Didn't know how much I would like having that until I got it. Very nice for quick recording.

Also, part of the cool journey of owning an axe-fx is the progression of firmware updates. The Ultra is pretty much tapped, the 2 has a bright future of updates and cool new features.

Long story short- the reason to get the 2- the awesome feature that will make your decision for you- it probably isn't even in the 2 yet. It will be part of firmware revision next year.

Get the 2.

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One factor which might play in for you is that the Ultra is discontinued, which means you'll have to scour eBay for one.

Apart from that difference? Quite a lot.
That is very true Philip. And I also completely forgot that it can be used straight interface. One more question though. What does the x/y feature exactly do?
jjcor said:
That is very true Philip. And I also completely forgot that it can be used straight interface. One more question though. What does the x/y feature exactly do?

Agree with all Phil's comments... I also went from the std to the 2 with no regrets.

The x/y will let you have two settings for one effect in the same patch, controllable by foot switch. So for example if you have a patch where you just want to boost the Input of the amp, and change the rate of the chorus for a solo, you can program this in x/y without changing patches.
Go to the II. The hardware for the Ultra has maxed out as far as capability goes. Major improvements are unlikely at this point. The Ultra is a great unit, but the II is leaping ahead with each major firmware upgrade. It's come pretty close to reaching the interface translational point which is the point where you can walk up to an amp that was modeled in a music store, dial in the same settings that were in Axe FX, and get the same tone. The H&K zenTera had that capability, but it didn't sound nearly as good.
My time to jump from the Ultra will present itself when the 3 has appeared, at which time, I'll buy the 2 second hand, or the new 3 outright. Until then, I do not perceive the 2 being the salvation or the revelation that the 1 was. I believe it is an incremental improvement whose benefits are palpable, but whose relative value next to other purchasing options is debatable.

I think it's good that FA doggedly improve their product, and I think it's unreasonable for people to complain that they should stay on the Std/Ultra platform. A digital model is an imperfect facsimile, always meriting improvement. And I appreciate usability improvements, such as the headphone jack.

Otoh, if someone were to have asked FA a year ago whether the Std or Ultra were 92% there, regarding the audio facsimile of a mic'd amp/cab/guitar, I believe they would have said 'yes'. They might have even given you 95%, with some caveats. I can live w/o the 5% difference in the meantime, and without the headphone jack, and plow that money into weaker points in my audio chain.
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-In response to 'Famished' post:

That's fair...I appreciate grounded comments amongst the excitement and fervor over the newest and latest. It is amusing to see with each new incarnation of the Axe users saying the same essetial thing: "this is so much more real...95% there, 97% there etc..." I suppose it is relative to what we are using at the time coupled with the emotional investment of getting something that is better (percieved by the user to a greater or lesser degree). I am excited that there is USB on the AFX 2; though I felt it should have been a standard feature on the first gen so...I am wondering as well, if my ears will hear a discernable difference as my Ultra sounds pretty friggin fantastic. The only limitations are my playing ability lol.
I'd say go for the AxeII.. even if tonally it was no different to the standard or ultra [which in reality does not seem to be the case]...
the reason being that the AxeII has a developmental future that the others no longer have..
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