Axe-Fx 2 is a pussy magnet!

Perfect combination of a kitty and an Axe FxII.
Congrats on the cat man!
Sparda nice picture as well, your cat is cool too! And it loves Guthrie,which makes it even more epic!
I wonder if i should take it personal , that my dog walks out of the room when i pick up the guitar....
Even before i plug it in.
I wonder if i should take it personal , that my dog walks out of the room when i pick up the guitar....
Even before i plug it in.

Don't feel bad, my cat does the same thing. It must be traumatic for him to leave the spot that he guards 22 hours of the day.
I had a cat that used to sleep in front of my 4x12. After a while I found out she had gone deaf (at 20 years). I swear I am not responsible!
Kittehs rulez.

I hadn't thought of putting my Axe under my monitor. What a novel long as I don't need to get behind it often.
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