Axe Fx 2 audio demos - various styles and presets

Great demo. I like a good grinding overdrive/distortion as much as anybody, but the subtlety in the clean sounds is the real test, and man the AxeII sounds great.

@Carl, What part of LI are you from? Grew up in northern Westchester (north of "The City") lived in Manhattan for years, then eastern LI for a long time. I live in LA for now, but really missing LI.

I'm out in Suffolk County ...
Hmm Not hearing the plastic and Im a marshall guy think it sounds great ..

BTW Carl is that a stock plexi model or did you boost it with a screamer or something

I agree with other .great clips can we have more ??
Like the SLO , ,AC30

I put a "Tube Drive" pedal out front with a little bit of drive dialed in. I would be happy to make more clips. Will do so soon. (SLO, AC30 ... )
Hi Spence,

I would be happy to share the patches. Can you walk me through that process? Can I export via Axe Edit?


Awesome! You can export using AxeEdit. If you get the preset open in the main window and then click "Save As" and select "Export to Preset File". There may be a faster way of doing this under the Axe Manage section but I'm not too familiar with that yet. Once the presets have been exported you should be able to attach them on the forum :)

PM me if you get stuck.

Two other person have posted the same comment on the french forum.(plastic sound)
You should compare perhaps with the sound coming from a Pod HD : - the guitar gear mp3 database

Of course nothing related to Carl's play.

...for the record thats is not my favourite model for rythm ..I dont think it sounds plastic at all BUT I think maybe its better suited for leads .
the 3 times i have heard it, here ,and once with a VH beautiful girls clip .plus on Scotts Vid I prefered the stock 800 .

But we all hear things differently and I am sure it works great in context and probably if you are in the room .

But man that Plexi boosted is to die for ,,again to my ears
Awesome! You can export using AxeEdit. If you get the preset open in the main window and then click "Save As" and select "Export to Preset File". There may be a faster way of doing this under the Axe Manage section but I'm not too familiar with that yet. Once the presets have been exported you should be able to attach them on the forum :)

PM me if you get stuck.


In Axe-Manage you can click on the preset and copy it pretty much anywhere. There are multiple ways to do this depending on how you work. You can simply right click on the preset and the click EXPORT PRESET and send it to whatever file you browse to. You can also drag and drop in the left hand navigation plane or create multiple views with the VIEW and WINDOW tabs and drag and drop between them. It's pretty robust with options to let you work many ways...
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Hmmm...all high gain sound plastic. Guys did you become deaf?
I wonder if it comes from the model or the IR's choice.

The deluxe reverb is really nice.

Please record and post some none plastic examples for comparison?
Only impressed by the playing. Wouldn't call it plastic (I've heard some awesome "plastic" sounds from Enzo Sutera years ago), but rather "saturated like only Mark Day would dare", or lacking something in the crunch quality, I don't know... Often hear this in the saturated AFX-II demos and I don't even have a particularly good ear ;-)
I'm hoping to remain confident it's probably user adjustable.
Only impressed by the playing. Wouldn't call it plastic (I've heard some awesome "plastic" sounds from Enzo Sutera years ago), but rather "saturated like only Mark Day would dare", or lacking something in the crunch quality, I don't know... Often hear this in the saturated AFX-II demos and I don't even have a particularly good ear ;-)
I'm hoping to remain confident it's probably user adjustable.

I love the heavy saturated tones the Axe Fx gets. And have always really dug Mark Day's demos. Yes, I love high gain! To me, the tones are incredibly real. Scary really ... since I have a ton of amps, mics, pres. To think a single unit could even come close to $100k worth of gear is incredible! To my ears, the Line 6 and Eleven rack don't even come close. Have played both, and was not impressed. The Axe Fx however has taken the entire modeling technology to a new level. Cliff is an outright genius.

Good news for you ... you CAN easily adjust the saturation and gain. Not only that, you have almost an unlimited amount of control over the tone. You can change mics, cabs, eq, signal chain... all of it. I have barely scratched the surface of what is possible with the unit.

Small but decent amp collection here and the Ultra and now the II hold their own and then some.

Truly scary :)

I love the saturated tones .Mark Days tones are great to ..

Quite frankly there have been very few Axe 2 clips I have not liked .

The coolest thing is that I can really hear the difference in the tone stack Mid voicings especially between the Plexi and HBE even though they are both Marshall based they sound distinct.
I find with a lot of modellers its the same tone just more or less gain .
With the Axe i hear a lot more of the character and differences in the voicings ..which is so cool, as one person said it like being in a store with a cable and a bunch of cool amps
Good news for you ... you CAN easily adjust the saturation and gain. Not only that, you have almost an unlimited amount of control over the tone. You can change mics, cabs, eq, signal chain... all of it. I have barely scratched the surface of what is possible with the unit.

Just when I'm thinking the Ultra is plenty good for me I read this and it makes me go "Hmmmmmmm...".

Great samples & playing!!!
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