Axe Edit wont recognize Axe Fx.

Okay so i am trying to use axe edit with my axe fx 2. I put the source to axe fx, but nothing happens. i then checked the midi settings, and tried to check axe fx midi in, and axe fx midi out for the midi, but it wouldnt select it. The midi would just stay blank. I just reinstalled axe edit, and the axe fx drivers, and that didnt work either. Also, a couple days ago, my computer blue screened right after i exited axe edit, when it worked, so i dont know if it has anything to do with that. Any ideas on what is wrong?
Uninstall everything and try again from scratch. Don't pull up Axe-Edit until you have your Axe-FX hooked up. Alot of folks have problems when they pull up Axe-Edit first.
Uninstall everything and try again from scratch. Don't pull up Axe-Edit until you have your Axe-FX hooked up. Alot of folks have problems when they pull up Axe-Edit first.

I just reinstalled the drivers but its still not working. I guess i will uninstall axe edit and the drivers and try again. Its frustrating because i can select axe fx 2 midi in and out on the midi settings page on axe edit, but it doesnt stay selected ,it just goes back to none.
I just reinstalled the drivers but its still not working. I guess i will uninstall axe edit and the drivers and try again. Its frustrating because i can select axe fx 2 midi in and out on the midi settings page on axe edit, but it doesnt stay selected ,it just goes back to none.

Pull up some of my posts (where people responded to my issue) and see if you can find a fix. One thing mentioned in one of my posts is deleting the "Axe.Settings" file so Axe-Edit lets you set the MIDI settings again. Give that a try.
Axe Edit / Settings / MIDI Settings / MIDI TAB / Axe Fx MIDI I/O / Change dropdown values to point to Axe.
I'm having the same problem. I installed the drivers and still haven't had any luck connecting to Axe Edit with USB. I was able to update to 5.00 when it came out via my Uno Midi thing, but this week when I tried to update to 5.01 Axe Edit freezes up when I go to check my MIDI connection. Tried uninstalling and installing again and no luck. Pretty frustrating, but at least firmware 5 sounds great. Would like to try some user presets though.
Reboot your PC after you uninstall everything before installing again if you havent done so. Might not help but cannot hurt. Especially when dealing with USB drivers etc...
What might also work; try another USB port if you have multiple ports. I've noticed that some USB devices are not working properly on the side ports of my laptop, port at the back works fine though. Click "Test Connection" in the Midi settings to retest the connection after switching ports.
chrisallen8888 said:
I think he did that.

Oh yeah. ;)

Sorry... That's my go-to when folks are having connectivity issues. Diagnosed that twice this week alone! Sorry for not reading more carefully.
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