Axe Edit, presets


I have just started using Axe Edit since I wanted some presets, .syx files.
But I have absolutley no idea how to use them. I download from the web for example, other guitarists presets.

I cant even edit stuff in my axe edit. The manual helped a bit, but mostly with midi setup and stuff, how to navigate and use functions it didnt say.
I used the Axe manage, but the first page where you can edit your own presets, shouldnt you see the same as on your screen then?

Or am I not synched in a way to my device?
Have you downloaded the USB drivers?

You can use Fractalbot to load presets into your Axefx and the edit from the front panel.
Coming late to the party I'd use fractal bot and avoid using AE to send content to the axefx. AE is still good to give you an overview over your banks and over single presets.

But if want to do it:
You can open more than one view in axe manage.
On one side you can navigate through your pc's folders and go to the one where your downloaded syx files are.
On the other side you can call up the axe fx's banks.
Now you can move files by drag and drop. When you placed files in a bank they are in AE/AM only and you need to send them to the axe fx. Use the right mouse button to open a menu.

Most of the time it should work well but close AE when you notice that you got out of sync. Be carefull when pasting something , sometimes that shifts the all following content in a bank. And better stay away from global blocks and modifiers, these things have never worked satisfying, I guess that's where some hardware problems came from where people got their units toasted.
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