Axe Edit 3.3.1 not communicating with Quantum 1.03-Solved


New Member
Hello all. After downloading Quantum 1.03, axe edit 3.3.1 not functioning normally. I get time out errors or axe edit will lock up. One error said something like "can't recognize version." Another error said "cannot query block definitions." If I power the axe fx off then back on, I will occasionally get axe edit to recognize the axe fx but within a minute, it will time out due to communication error. Nothing has changed with my computer, USB cable or set up. I went back to Quantum 1.02 and axe edit worked perfectly. I re downloaded Quantum 1.03 again and same errors occurring. Essentially, axe edit is not useable with Quantum 1.03. Anyone have the same problem?

So after re downloading Quantum 1.03, I turned off the axe fx, turned it back on and opened axe edit. Axe edit recognized the new firmware and updated the block definitions. All seems to be well now. No time outs, no communication errors. Thanks for replying s0c9.
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I'm pretty sure I'm running the latest axe edit and a beta version of 1.04 without issue. Will check axe edit version when I get home.
Have you tried an earlier release of axe edit?
Which OS are you running?
Hi. Thank you for your reply. I am running OS 10.6.8. It's old but I have never had an exe edit problem in the past. I have not tried an earlier axe edit version. I started using version 3.3.1 right when it was released and had no problems with it until the day I downloaded Quantum 1.03. Perhaps I shall try an earlier axe edit version. Thanks again.
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