Axe-Edit 3.1.4 released


Please place feature feedback in appropriate channels (not a release announcement thread).

Please place feature feedback in appropriate channels (not a release announcement thread).
Sorry - So used to people posting questions/issues in firmware release threads I did the same. Just read the sticky in axe-edit. Will post feedback there.
Wow! Thanks FAS! Axe Edit doesn't time out nearly as bad as it used to, just a slight gap when changing presets while AE314 takes time to load new preset screen.
I used to turn off axe edit always when playing now I won't need to. :D
Love the new auto-update. That was added in the last version I take it? I didn't realize it until it started updating for me.
The "Refresh after New Firmware" feature is awesome. Thanks for that! :encouragement: Now to try out those new old fender models! 8)
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