Axe-Edit 3.0 Released!

Admin M@

Fractal Audio Systems

We are very pleased to announce the release of Axe-Edit 3.0, the all new version of our editor for the Axe-Fx II.

It can be downloaded from the Axe-Edit page of our web site.

Re-written from the ground up, Axe-Edit 3.0 is stable, reliable, and easy-to-use.

A "Getting Started Guide" will be uploaded shortly; meanwhile, please review the following release notes:
Update Aug-30-2013: Getting Started Guide is now on the software download page.


Axe-Edit 3.0 Installation Notes:
* Run the installer program to install Axe-Edit and its required components.

* Remember that Axe-Edit 3.0 requires an Axe-Fx II running firmware 11.0 (FINAL RELEASE VERSION, not BETA) or newer to be connected via USB. Firmware and drivers can be downloaded from Fractal Audio Systems - Support

* Please read the Release Notes for this version prior to using the software.


August 28, 2013 - Axe-Edit 3.00 Release Notes:
Welcome to Axe-Edit 3.0. This is an entirely new version on an all-new platform designed to provide robust stability, high usability, and great extensibility across future firmware updates for the Axe-Fx II. The new features and enhancements are very self-explanatory, and very little change to your workflow is needed once you learn a few new techniques.

Please visit or Fractal Audio Systems - Axe-Fx II Guitar Processor, Preamp, Effects Processor - MFC-101 MIDI Foot Controller for updates and additional information about Axe-Edit 3.0.

FIXED ISSUES -----------------------------------

Initial Release - There are no known issues in this version.

NOTES --------------------------------------

* Axe-Edit 3.0 requires Axe-Fx II Firmware version 11.0 (RELEASE VERSION) or newer. It is not compatible with older Axe-Fx II firmware versions, or with Ultra/Standard.

* Axe-Edit works in tandem with the Axe-Fx II in a client-server type relationship, Axe-Edit requires an Axe-Fx to be connected for all operations. "Offline editing" is not supported and will not be added to any future version.

* The client-server relationship brings a host of benefits to Axe-Edit, most importantly, Axe-Edit can never "corrupt" a preset as only the Axe-Fx itself ever "owns" the data. This means you can program sounds with the confidence that what you see is what you'll hear is what you'll save.

* It is normal for the display of the Axe-Fx II to change screens automatically while Axe-Edit is in use. To avoid confusion, it is strongly recommended that you avoid using the Axe-Fx front panel while Axe-Edit is running.

* Please note the following program features are NOT available in the initial release of Axe-Edit 3.0. Future releases will add new features.

- Axe-Manage

- The Blocks Library feature
- Support for Global Blocks
- "Save to New Location"
- The "Tempo to Use" parameter
- All "Global Mix" parameters
- User-configurable "Snapshots" directory
- Grid Undo/Redo

* Axe-Edit 3.0 currently requires default CC# assignments for Looper, Tuner, and Tempo functions.

* Axe-Edit 3.0 requires the following settings on I/O:MIDI screen of Axe-Fx II:


- SEND REALTIME SYSEX: ALL (Required only for Tuner & Tempo in Axe-Edit)

* Axe-Edit 3.0 is not compatible with the Axe-Fx Ultra or Standard. Unsupported Legacy versions are available at Fractal Audio Systems - Axe-Fx II Guitar Processor, Preamp, Effects Processor - MFC-101 MIDI Foot Controller

NEW FEATURES -------------------------------

- Axe-Edit 3.0 has a new simplified design and a smooth, responsive "feel."
- Menus bring a familiar feel and greater ease of use.
- Keyboard Shortcuts for common operations speed workflow.
- Axe-Edit now uses standard OS dialogs for all file operations.
- Status bar provides important information while you work.
- Full support for SCENES including copy/paste.
- Copy & Paste entire presets right from the main program screen.
- All new "Presets Picker" includes a Search to speed finding desired items (Bank/Folder support currently not included.)
- Select a Bank File in the IMPORT dialog to "extract" a single preset for editing.
- Easily Create/remove connector "cables" by clicking block "Jacks."
- Bypass/Engage the selected block using the SPACEBAR.
- Larger "Grid" makes provides more "comfortable" preset display.
- Keyboard up/down arrows increment/decrement selected KNOB value.
- And much more...

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Quick question, does 3.0 need to be connected to an AXE FX II or can it be used offline? Reason I ask is that I downloaded 3.0 and I am unable to import or open a preset?! I currently do not own a II, but I am considering getting one.
In closing, let me also share congratulations and gratitude from myself and on behalf of the entire Axe-Fx community. Our new development team worked with expertise, determination and dedication. Michael and Ryan, it is an honor and a privilege to have you as co-workers. As the designer of Axe-Edit -- and one of its most ardent and frequent users -- I could not wish for more in a team. Between Axe-Edit 3.0 and Fractal-Bot, you've taken this platform to new heights. I know Cliff is very pleased as well. Thank you!

Needless to say, our beta team members also deserve very a special thank you. Sean, Scott, Craig, Cooper, Steve, Jochen, Friedlab, Brian, Jake, Ian, Yek, Alex, Patrick, Buddy, and Larry, here's to you!
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Quick question, does 3.0 need to be connected to an AXE FX II or can it be used offline? Reason I ask is that I downloaded 3.0 and I am unable to import or open a preset?! I currently do not own a II, but I am considering getting one.

Read the second asterisk in the notes above.
In closing, let me also share congratulations and gratitude from myself and on behalf of the entire Axe-Fx community. Our new development team worked with expertise, determination and dedication. Michael and Ryan, it is an honor and a privilege to have you as co-workers. As the designer of Axe-Edit -- and one of its most ardent and frequent users -- I could not wish for more in a team. Between Axe-Edit 3.0 and Fractal-Bot, you've taken this platform to new heights. I know Cliff is very pleased as well. Thank you!

Well done Matt and FAS team!!!!!!
Now we can safely say: there will be a great presentation about Axe-Edit 3.0 at Axe-Fest 2

Are you coming to the event?

Fractal Audio Systems - Axe-Fest 2

It's the first presentation scheduled after a Mark Day kickoff. I cannot think of a better way to start the weekend can you? :shock

I would advise those who are on the fence to make up your minds promptly as the tickets will definitely be sold out.
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