AX8 Issue


New Member
Hi..Yesterday my AX8 decided not to work. When powered on, there was no sound. All connections were correct (volumes are set fine / cables are connected correctly / signal chain connected through / AMP / Spkr cab loaded / tried multiple factory patches with stock IRs etc etc). Tried reinstalling the firmware / restoring factory patches etc after which it seemed to work however, when changing patches there was a bit of crackle in the sound for about a second or 2 before the new patch loaded up.

This morning when i switched it on, again there was no sound. Tried reinstalling the firmware & factory patches again but had no luck this time. Switched off & on the unit a couple of times after which it started working again however there is still that crackle in the sound for a split second when i change patches and then works just fine.

Any suggestions on troubleshooting / solutions i could try? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
Sometimes I wonder about how new guys come onto the forum with AX8 hardware problems that seem to make it sound really unreliable yet there are guys on here gigging with their AX8's for years and years with no problems.

What do you think is the difference?
you never know what happened to the boxes before so anything can happen and don't forget it's just a small fraction of users having issues but those will very likely come here to ask questions
Sometimes I wonder about how new guys come onto the forum with AX8 hardware problems that seem to make it sound really unreliable yet there are guys on here gigging with their AX8's for years and years with no problems.

What do you think is the difference?
The thousands of people with no problems don’t report “I have no problems”. The few who have problems do report.
I’ve had mine for over 5 years and had no problems until yesterday 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️Hopefully support get back with an easy solution 🤞🤞🤞
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