AX8 Edit Communication time-out

Sorry dude but "I don't feel like paying to upgrade" isn't really a valid excuse in the technological world man. Might as well say you expect website designers to cater to your 640x480 17" CRT monitor because you don't feel like paying to upgrade to a higher resolution display.

I mean, don't pay to upgrade if that really makes you happy, but in doing so you also forfeit your right to complain when the world doesn't bend around your refusal to migrate out of obsolescence either.

Also, if you have a problem roughly 50% of the time doing any software task in any modern OS, that points to either your hardware being faulty or there's some other interfering software that's attempting to commandeer 90% of your processing power (like a virus scanner) during those timing-sensitive software upgrades.

Well, that is certainly a valid point about not complaining if I don't want to upgrade, BUT...... the software states that it is made for that system. If it's not made to operate on that particular system..... then don't claim that it is.

Now, moving on the the problem regarding having issues with AX8 50% of the time on my Windows 10 Laptop.... that is the only program I have issues with on that PC. I wouldn't exactly say that the computer being faulty because it doesn't seem to want to jive with AX8 edit, because like I said.....that's the only program I have issues with on that PC.

Thanks for the observations and candid feedback you offered though!!!
I can get that error to happen 100% of the time
I simply open up Axe Edits preset manager, select 600 presets, right click, and choose Export from the context menu. Come back in ten minutes and the error is there. I've tried different cables, different port, updating the USB drivers and all the stuff I cant recall.
The only way I can export all presets individually is to it 50 at a time.
If an answer shows up, please ping me.
I can get that error to happen 100% of the time
I simply open up Axe Edits preset manager, select 600 presets, right click, and choose Export from the context menu. Come back in ten minutes and the error is there. I've tried different cables, different port, updating the USB drivers and all the stuff I cant recall.
The only way I can export all presets individually is to it 50 at a time.
If an answer shows up, please ping me.
wow 600 sounds like a lot
I've contacted support and I will try to remember to report back what comes of it.

FWIW, Axe-Edit (for the Axe Fx II) works fine on my Vista machine.
Can anyone tell me why I get this error message when trying to use AX8 Edit?

View attachment 31184

Sometimes the error is "get_param_info", sometimes "preset_query_status", among others. Any help would be appreciated. I am unable to get AX8 Edit to work (version 1.1, AX8 firmware 2.02).
I get the same message and I'm running it on a Mac Pro desktop. It was working yesterday, now time out messages every time. Mine is updated on all ends as well.
I've always had this issue intermittently, and also notice it happening more frequently these days despite using the same hardware and techniques.

Its a mystery for sure.
Yes ever since upgrading to 3.04 I started getting this message. I posted on another thread about it. I am on a 2 year old Macbook Pro Retina upgraded to the newest OS. Nice USB cable and no hubs. I thought re-installing AX8-Edit and the driver fixed it but turns out that the driver does nothing for the AX8 and it has started happening randomly again. Usually rebooting the AX8 and the Mac will solve the issue but this never happened until 3.04 so I am not sure what changed but it sure seems like something did. This happens I would say 50% of the time I try to use the AX8 now so I am definitely hoping something can be figured out. I have not tried 3.5 so I will try that this weekend.

I've (intermittently) seen the issue when the AX8 is connected to my Windows 7 PC via a USB extension cable--and only when transferring a large amount of data such as performing a full backup of my AX8. I've never seen the issue appear on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014) under any circumstances. This holds true for all 4-5 versions of firmware I've been running from the time I got my AX8 until yesterday.

As such, any time I do a full backup or system upgrade, I do it from my Mac without adding the USB extension cable.



I've (intermittently) seen the issue when the AX8 is connected to my Windows 7 PC via a USB extension cable--and only when transferring a large amount of data such as performing a full backup of my AX8. I've never seen the issue appear on my MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014) under any circumstances. This holds true for all 4-5 versions of firmware I've been running from the time I got my AX8 until yesterday.

As such, any time I do a full backup or system upgrade, I do it from my Mac without adding the USB extension cable.


I believe USB 1 is only rated for 2 meters.

EDIT: Nope, my bad...3 meters.
I am all of a sudden having issues with it, has been working fine for the past 2 weeks and i got on tonight to play and it won't connect. Newer MacBook Pro, running 10.10.5 Latest versions of both the Quantum and Ax8 Edit software. Only difference is over the weekend I let it update from the prior version of AX8 Edit to the latest. Also going straight to the usb port on the laptop.
Yeah I tried that and it doesn't help. I did get it to finally talk by removing my SPDIF cable going to my interface. Hadn't been any issues with it being plugged in before.
Saw the same issue with a macbook pro running the latest OSX. The suggestion of disconnecting the USB cable before powering up the AX8 seems to be working for now
I'm seeing the same error running Mac OS El Capitan and version 1.8.2 of AX8 Edit. This was working fine until I upgraded my version of AX8 Edit. I can take the same cable and USB port and plug it into my Axe FX II which works just fine. Is this an issue with the latest version of AX8 Edit ???
I'm seeing the same error running Mac OS El Capitan and version 1.8.2 of AX8 Edit. This was working fine until I upgraded my version of AX8 Edit. I can take the same cable and USB port and plug it into my Axe FX II which works just fine. Is this an issue with the latest version of AX8 Edit ???

No, it's been a sporadic issue since AX8 release.
besides faulty USB cables or Chrome using midi ports, FAS apparently doesn't know what causes it.
I tried it using my new Windows 10 laptop with one of the same USBs and it worked fine. I think my Vista machine is slowly becoming obsolete...
Im using Vista on my lap top as well and its hit or miss i changed to a shorter usb cable and it worked great for about 2 hours then it started acting up. but then i reboot both the ax8 edit and the 8 and it works fine, then ill click on the cabs and it time out errors on me like everyone else, (cant find cab names)( quary param def) etc... Now im trying to update all my drivers and sp2 to sp3 which vista is fighting me...
I am at a empase, when it works it works flawless and when it decides to act up it is a true pain in the rear! Im going to keep trying different things. Ill keep you all posted if i have any eureka moments..
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