AX8-Edit 1.3.0 Released

Michael Pickens

FAS Software Engineer
Fractal Audio Systems
AX8-Edit 1.3.0 is now live on the website and auto-update.

If you have AX8-Edit 1.3.0 RC1 installed and would like to install the official release, please use the above link to download the installer. Auto-update does not update from a public beta or RC version to the official release with the same internal version number.

Thanks Ian, at this point I am asking myself and the forum "how could this thing get any better?"

I watched my dad's band play last night and one of his guitarist uses an HD500 and Helix (he's in transition). I just noticed how it was lacking in the majority of tonal diversity... Of course I am biased (not BIAS'd), but seriously how does this thing just keep getting better?? #FASHead4Life
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