AX8 and Mixer

Hello everybody!

I’ve been using my AX8, Out 1 through a mixer, than through PAs in my band rehearsal! I let everything in the mixer chanel set on flat position, cause I want the sound similar to what I set at AX8, but It did not work very well! I’d like to know if you usually also change mixer parameters to get the right sound or if its right to let the mixer channel on flat position?
Unless you are creating/tweaking the presets on the same system, at the same volume, having to adjust the EQ on the mixer should be expected. The way the AX8 sounds is at the mercy of whatever is being used to amplify the sound - whether it's headphones, studio monitors or PA system. Each system sounds and responds differently.
Unless you are creating/tweaking the presets on the same system, at the same volume, having to adjust the EQ on the mixer should be expected. The way the AX8 sounds is at the mercy of whatever is being used to amplify the sound - whether it's headphones, studio monitors or PA system. Each system sounds and responds differently.
Do you recommend a mixer running the AX8 on different output systems PA, monitors, headphones? Or do you recommend creating different presets for each environment? There must be an easier way?? What about installing an EQ in a preset and adjusting it?
If you have a good preset then it usually needs only minor tweaking, either on the PA mixer side or using the AX8 global EQ to adjust to the room and PA system. Do you run your AX8 directly into your own monitor or do you depend on the venues monitors ? In the latter case don't spend to much effort into adjusting the sound but get used to how it is or ask the sound man to adjust it. In case you run the AX8 directly into your monitor adjust your preset to sound good on it. Headphones and recording are entirely different. Headphones provide stereo separation that you cannot achieve via PA or monitors, don't create live presets using headphones. That said I would probably use different presets for live/monitoring vs bedroom-headphone noodling. Or get used to how live presets sound through your headphones (you could tweak that a little using the EQ on your desktop mixer).
If you have a good preset then it usually needs only minor tweaking, either on the PA mixer side or using the AX8 global EQ to adjust to the room and PA system. Do you run your AX8 directly into your own monitor or do you depend on the venues monitors ? In the latter case don't spend to much effort into adjusting the sound but get used to how it is or ask the sound man to adjust it. In case you run the AX8 directly into your monitor adjust your preset to sound good on it. Headphones and recording are entirely different. Headphones provide stereo separation that you cannot achieve via PA or monitors, don't create live presets using headphones. That said I would probably use different presets for live/monitoring vs bedroom-headphone noodling. Or get used to how live presets sound through your headphones (you could tweak that a little using the EQ on your desktop mixer).
Thanks man! I’ll try exactly what you said
If you have a good preset then it usually needs only minor tweaking, either on the PA mixer side or using the AX8 global EQ to adjust to the room and PA system. Do you run your AX8 directly into your own monitor or do you depend on the venues monitors ? In the latter case don't spend to much effort into adjusting the sound but get used to how it is or ask the sound man to adjust it. In case you run the AX8 directly into your monitor adjust your preset to sound good on it. Headphones and recording are entirely different. Headphones provide stereo separation that you cannot achieve via PA or monitors, don't create live presets using headphones. That said I would probably use different presets for live/monitoring vs bedroom-headphone noodling. Or get used to how live presets sound through your headphones (you could tweak that a little using the EQ on your desktop mixer).

Hey, when you say AX8 Global EQ are you talking about the knobs on the front of the AX8 : Drive , Bass, Mid, Treble, Presence, Depth, Master , Level? Or are you talking about an EQ effect block within a preset, like that which can be edited through AX8Edit?
Global EQ:

On front panel:

Press Shift, Store - You are at the front panel setup menu - 1. Global, 2. I/O, 3. Utility
Press Global, page over to Global Out 1 and Out 2. Separate EQ for both outs.

In the AX8 Edit:

Click the Setup below the blocks screens. EQ for Out 1 and Out 2.
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