
Hello, :?:

what cables, software, etc.. besides the ax edit will i need to hook my Ax Fx to my Pc windows XP. i currently dont have any other software loaded. i have some klipsch speakers installed on my machine, will these work for playing through? ultimately i would love to have the ax hooked up to ax edit and be playing realtime through my Atomic Reactor and adjusting and listening without unplugging it listening to it and then re adjusting. all this stuff is new to me but im enjoying the learning curve!
Axe-edit (and the midi connections Axe-Edit requires between your Axe and your PC) will NOT let you "play through". It only has midi connections, which are used to let midi messages through (no audio goes on between the Axe-fx and the Axe-Edit software on your PC).

To get audio out of the Axe-fx, you need to plug your guitar into the front panel input, and plug one or more of the Axe-fx outputs into some sort of amplifier and speaker system (this can be a guitar amp, a stereo amp plus speakers, a mixer going into PA speakers, a mixer being monitored with headphones, a soundcard feeding into your PC and appropriately configured for audio monitoring with headphones and/or speakers, etc).

Axe-Edit is merely a PC-based software tool to let you do the same thing as your Axe-fx front panel for editing presets, but on a large screen (technically, it does more than that, but in terms of audio signals, it does NOT do anything for you).

So the question you asked (what cables do you need for Axe-edit to let you play though) is the wrong question. We can tell you what cables you need to connect your Axe-fx to Axe-Edit on your PC, but that won't let you hear anything. We could also tell you what cables you need for the audio piece, so that you can hear the sounds, but we need a whole lot more information on what gear you have and what method you plan on using to amplify your Axe-fx output.
Thanks, let me rephrase myself,

ultimately i want to be running the Ax Fx into my Powered Atomic reactor into the ax edit, so i can edit the sounds real time. can i do this? and if so what additional softwares and cabling will i need? hope this is better
You will need a MIDI INTERFACE and 2 normal MIDI cables.

Here is how it works.

1 You connect your guitar to the Axe-Fx.
2 You connect your Axe-Fx to your Atomics (or, your Klipsh speakers or whatever else you want to listen through...). In the former case, I recommend 2 XLR M> XLR F cables.

Do the above 2 steps and make sure you can hear the Axe-Fx and all is working well.

3 You connect your computer to a MIDI INTERFACE. I recommend the M-Audio 2x2 Anniversary. Don't get the UNO or another 1x1!
4 You connect the interface to your Axe-Fx MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports. OUT goes to IN, IN goes to OUT
5 Start and set up Axe-Edit.

This gives you computer remote control of the Axe-Fx. You use Axe-Edit to program the unit, while listening in the "usual" way. Audio does NOT go in to or out of the computer.

Have fun. If you get stuck, please include a good level of detail so others can help you!

one other question, as far as cabling for the m-audio 2x2 you speak of, it will need to be the midi to usb type cables?
Dano11372 said:
one other question, as far as cabling for the m-audio 2x2 you speak of, it will need to be the midi to usb type cables?
No, you use the included USB cable to connect the midisport 2x2 to your computer, and two standard MIDI cables to connect to your AxeFx.
Another NewB here. I don't mean to hijack this thread. I think my questions are related. I've got an Axe-FX coming and I'd like to know if I can use my existing equipment to get the Axe-FX connected to my Mac computer. I've got a Presonus Firestudio mobile device that has a 9 pin serial midi port along with two Firewire ports as well. The unit comes with a Y-cable adapter from the 9-pin to (2) 5-pin midi connectors, an 'in' and an 'out'. So my question is can I use the Presonus Firestudio with the Firewire connection to my Mac, and then a pair of midi cables to the Axe-FX? It seems like I remember reading somewhere that the Axe-FX uses a 7-pin cable, and the adapter with the Presonus unit has a 5-pin configuration.
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