Augmentation and self-contained backup rig


There's a thread, which I now can't locate, where someone was asking for advice on a backup rig. I had suggested the Boss GT-1 (which is still a really good option). However, I became aware of the Zoom MS-50G and this is really intriguing. It can handle up to six simultaneous effects and also models amps (only about 8 are included).

Zoom has come a long way over the years, so I do believe it could be a great option to handle augmentation duties (farm out the reverb and maybe delay duties) to free up DSP. I had a Zoom 9.2tt years ago (it is the only multi effect unit to incorporate actual tubes); I liked the tones, but it was a big and heavy platform (had three expression pedals!).

Since it can amp model (very limited array, but this would be for an emergency), it could be a self-contained backup platform. The beauty is that it's the size of a stomp pedal and costs around $130.

Here's a link:
Few years ago I was invited to play as a guest with a band while I was on holidays in Spain. I could borrow a guitar from a friend, but I had no amp or effects. I purchased the Zoom MS-50G and it did a good job, direct to PA. I had to tweak my own tones, though, because I didn't like the factory presets. I sold it later.

It is a good backup to keep inside the cables bag (and don't forget to also carry fresh 9V batteries :D)
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