Audreio plugin for iOS monitoring


I just wanted to mention a new plugin I got today called Audreio. You insert it in your master buss on a DAW and you can then network stream the mix to iOS devices to see how they sound on those devices. There is no Bluetooth for the iOS app at this point but I was told it's coming later this week. It's an incredibly handy tool.

You can also stream from the iOS app to the DAW and also use the iOS device as a synth receiving MIDI and sending audio back. I haven't tried these features yet.
That one looks interesting too. It’s a couple $’s more but not much.
I've been using Rogue Amoeba stuff for years. Currently sitting here using Fission to split up the MP3 from the Tascam DR-05 recording of last night's gig. Their stuff just works -- which is exactly what I expect from my software.
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