Audio interface/mixer... Need help/suggestion.

Hello guys,

I shall receive ma AX8 tomorrow and I'm completely pig ignorant, so if you could, please, forgive me.

I've sold my old trustee Eleven Rack to purchase an AX8. But it doesn't send audio through the usb cable as my 11R did.

So, if I just want to hear my guitar (AX8) sound through my studio monitors AND listen at the same time to a backing track from Youtube or a MP3 from my computer... What can I do? What is the best solution?

Should I buy a small mixer or an audio/usb interface (Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2nd Gen)?

Will I hear the sound of my computer (youtube/mp3) if I use an audio/usb interface?

I do not plan to record, I just would like to play. But latency would kill me.

Thanks in advance for your precious help.

Best wishes from Belgium!
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 will work great. That is what I have (I actually have the 2i4 but they are super similar) :D

And... You should never call yourself "pig ignorant". No question is ever stupid! ;D
Isn't the Scarlett 2i2 the one that doesn't do direct monitoring in stereo - If that is the case, I would NOT get that one.
All right, that was fast, thanks gentlemen!

Sure thing!

The only "issue" you need to be aware with the Scarlett 2i4 is that it doesn't work if the computer is not ON.
Looks like it needs the USB audio protocol to kick so it works. It doesn't work like with just a simple USB power source like a phone charger.

But, it works perfectly on phones and tablets using a USB adapter. It works like a charm with my iPhone for example using the lightning to USB adapter (I think they call it camera kit).
M-Audio just came out with their new line and I got the 2x2M.

- It works with or without computer
- I can have all the cables in the back, which is cleaner on my desk
- Stereo input and monitors
- Great price point

So far been working like a charm out of the box.
M-Audio just came out with their new line and I got the 2x2M.

- It works with or without computer
- I can have all the cables in the back, which is cleaner on my desk
- Stereo input and monitors
- Great price point

So far been working like a charm out of the box.

How do you plug aller that together ?
if you know you are not going to record, get a small mixer and if friends come over you can plug them in also.
Appears I don't need anything! Plugged it straight in my speakers and it works! So does my computer sound! GREAT!!!!

This machines is amazing, I've been playing with it for two hours now and can't stop.

It will take a while to "master" this unit but it ain't as bad as I read! UI is dead easy!

Appears I don't need anything! Plugged it straight in my speakers and it works! So does my computer sound! GREAT!!!!

This machines is amazing, I've been playing with it for two hours now and can't stop.

It will take a while to "master" this unit but it ain't as bad as I read! UI is dead easy!


Cool! So, what are your speakers? I am just curious about it :D
Hello guys,

I shall receive ma AX8 tomorrow and I'm completely pig ignorant, so if you could, please, forgive me.

I've sold my old trustee Eleven Rack to purchase an AX8. But it doesn't send audio through the usb cable as my 11R did.

So, if I just want to hear my guitar (AX8) sound through my studio monitors AND listen at the same time to a backing track from Youtube or a MP3 from my computer... What can I do? What is the best solution?

Should I buy a small mixer or an audio/usb interface (Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2nd Gen)?

Will I hear the sound of my computer (youtube/mp3) if I use an audio/usb interface?

I do not plan to record, I just would like to play. But latency would kill me.

Thanks in advance for your precious help.

Best wishes from Belgium!
I use this, with an mp3 player, plugged into the return of the AX8, I had to increase the level of "lvl 3" in the FXL block to max.
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