atomic neo no sound

hi one of my atomics is not playing any sound. it powers on but you cant hear anything. i swapped cables and even connected to the alternate input but still no luck. did a bunch of searches for fixes and all i'm finding is that atomic doesnt really reply to any emails. any idea what could be causing this? never heard any crackles or pops. it's as if it went into some kind of mute mode.

appreciate any info
They have a well-deserved rep for not returning calls/emails, but calling/emailing/opening a support ticket on their site (best place to start) is where it begins if you need help. Short of that, finding a qualified powered speaker repairmen is your only way forward.

But if you don’t contact them, they 100% for sure will not contact you.
opened a ticket, very responsive on first few emails. just waiting for him to reply as far as troubleshooting goes. while waiting i discovered that you can hear audio if you crank the amp all the way up
I opened a ticket months ago and never got a response. Last year Tom was supposed to send a speaker to replace one of mine that was sounding like it was blown and we got all the way up to him saying he'd send me an invoice so I could pay for it and then nothing. He wouldn't return my emails after that.
Glad you opened a ticket and contacted them; It's likely the amp module; stay connected with Tom and he'll take care of you; he's a good man. I had one go out on me and with his help, I sent the guts back, they fixed it and returned it to me. Can't recall the cost, but it was all very reasonable.
Glad you opened a ticket and contacted them; It's likely the amp module; stay connected with Tom and he'll take care of you; he's a good man. I had one go out on me and with his help, I sent the guts back, they fixed it and returned it to me. Can't recall the cost, but it was all very reasonable.
How long ago was this?
You can buy the power amps on eBay. Probably a 15 minute job to swap it, not overly difficult. There are 3 modules. One for the tweeter and two for the main. However, if you have no sound at all it might be something else. The only way that can happen is if modules for both speakers went. You might want to check you don’t have a lose cable internally. If the main DSP board went then you probably have to go through atomic. I haven’t heard that though, the power amp thing is very common.
user error. somehow the knobs got all rearranged so the master was low. i originally didn't pull it off the wall because i didn't think the knobs would have moved. perhaps the kid went back there without my knowledge
user error. somehow the knobs got all rearranged so the master was low. i originally didn't pull it off the wall because i didn't think the knobs would have moved. perhaps the kid went back there without my knowledge

You should delete this thread methinks, or at least change the title to reflect (All set-User error)
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