Wish "Assign Settings to Scenes" instead of "Scene Controllers"

Coming from Helix, I found the "Fractal way" to be very confusing. Even almost 2 years on, I still find it confusing (no offense Fractal team, I love my FM9!). Scene controllers are just weird to me, and there are only four. Yes, I saw a video from Cooper C. that showed endless possibilities, but it was incredibly complicated compared to just.... "on this scene/snapshot the reverb level is 3, on this scene/snapshot the reverb level is now 9"; just with every other possible parameter.
Big +1 to everything you said, also came from Helix myself. I've resorted to living without the former's convenience by using channels instead, or using controllers to slightly change the base sound of an amp,

I had a fantastic low/mid-gain preset for my P90 guitar on the Helix based on the Matchbox, and one of the first things I did on my FM9 was try to recreate/improve it using the Hot Kitty model. Tried two ways to do it- scene controllers on input trim, gain, master and (IIRC) hi-cut; and also tried 4 separate channels to get from clean to mean. In both cases I used control switches for input boost and saturation,

Ultimately having 4 separate channels made more sense because turning up the gain meant the bass has to come down, and the hi-cut needs adjusting, maybe a touch more/less treble.

So after almost 2 years now with the FM9, I've learned to accept the differences in workflow as an acceptable tradeoff for the noticeable improvement in sound, to my ears and hands anyway. If it were to come down the pipe that we could modify ALL parameters within one channel, on a scene-by-scene basis? Can't say I would complain :eyes:
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