Aspiring Finger Drummers: New Yamaha FGDP-50!

I just sold my Roland TD-17 kit today. It was a hard thing letting the kit go but after months of debating I decided to consolidate my energy /time more efficiently in favor of creating music and not learning to be a 'drummer'. I wasn't spending enough time on the kit to justify really and would rather spend the time practicing more on guitar/piano and music creation (DAW) so.....I'm back to finger drumming. I will say that lately i've been using my yamaha modx6+ (right in front of me on desktop) to layer in basic drum patterns and then using midi editor in Ableton for example to mouse in (layer) midi notes pretty effectively...I've got thinking again about a pad style midi controller again.

tmw I might be stopping by the music store to scout the yamaha fgdp50. I have a feeling it will feel a bit small for my big mitts. I've had other midi drum pad controllers ..Akai mpd 226/232 etc. I'm looking at the Maschine stuff from NI as the pads I hear are top notch. I've narrowed it down to the Maschine mk3 and Mikro Mk3. I'm already in front of the computer and do feel the screens on the maschine mk3 might be redundant. I just want great pads. Seems you can put the mikro in midi mode and use editor to map however you want. I use Superior Drummer 3. Does anyone have experience with the maschine line here? sway me towards the mikro vs the full fledged model?

I don't need it to be an interface and the screens are nice but as I said, already in front of the computer so feel i'm spending extra $$ for nothing there. All things being equal the pads are identical IIRC. My thought is use maschine as vst inside my DAW...create the basic drum patterns/loops as a scratch pad to then bring into the DAW like ableton where i can further refine.

Yamaha FGPD 50 will cost me about $399 (CAD) new
Maschine mikro mk3 i found used for about $175
Maschine mk3 found used for about $450

came across this review which has some great points in favor of the yamaha. Also I like how the Yamaha has a longer pad for snare allowing for rolls/ghost notes as demonstrated. I do like the idea of standalone. simple in the box usage. So i could be on the couch noodling on the smaller Yamaha unit....choices choices choices.....the struggle is real ha

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Checked out the Yamaha FGP30/50 at the shop today. Very neat devices. The staff were playing with them as they just go them in earlier this week. pads were pretty great...good dynamic range/sensitivity. I'd not use the onboard sounds for any recording but for practicing/jamming. perfectly fine.\...or use it to trigger drum VST's. I ended up picking up a used Maschine Mk3 so will invest some time learning it and using it for drum programming moving forward. I gotta hand it to NI...the gear is sexy to look at. Pads are awesome to play. My plan is to program the pads in a similar layout to the Yamaha


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I thought this looked kinda cool but I've been really hoping that they'd release a DTX Multi-12 successor. It's absolutely ancient at this point.
Picked one of these up and am really liking it. Anyone know how it deals with uploaded drum samples? I want to record some sounds from some the GGD kits and upload them but I'm curious how the FGDP-50 will deal with sampled drum hits in terms of velocity. I assume I need to sample the hits at 127 and the FGDP will scale them down in volume for softer hits on the pads? Hmmm
... I ended up picking up a used Maschine Mk3 so will invest some time learning it and using it for drum programming moving forward ...

How is it going with the Maschine? I'm still a long ways away from drum programming, but always thinking ahead and researching.
How is it going with the Maschine? I'm still a long ways away from drum programming, but always thinking ahead and researching.
Actually turning out to be one of my fav purchases all year. I love it. There's so much you can do with it. Been exploring the Maschine standalone software which is its own DAW. amazing what you can create just all in the box. I love that i can just look at the unit to create stuff without hardly looking at the computer. Made me realize how much you can accomplish with minimal setup. Like a good laptop, NI Maschine, a 25-49 midi keyboard and of course the Axe fx!
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I have been thinking this would be the cat’s meow since I saw it in my Yamaha newsletter. Of all the potential issues with recoding every part myself, getting convincing drums is a huge Achilles heel for me. If it wasn’t that I have my eye on a few new pieces of gear right now I probably would get it. Maybe this would be the most practical, useful and cost effective gear to get?

The other piece of gear I recently found out comes in at a $5000😳 and should be officially released today. I haven’t even brought up the idea with the wife yet. It will take some major negotiation skills. Maybe more skill that I can muster.
Cheaper than a Corvette....
Cheaper than a Corvette....
Ironically it was one of the easier negotiations I've had to manage. I forgot about this post. By the end of that day it was on its way from Sweetwater.

Funny thing is I love fast cars and had a 70" Dodge Charger when I was young. That car almost made me lose my license forever. Sometimes I think about a muscle car, but guitars win out in the end. My next-door neighbor has a super charged 69' GTO that sounds like a combination earthquake and jet engine when he starts it early on Saturday mornings.🥴
Ironically it was one of the easier negotiations I've had to manage. I forgot about this post. By the end of that day it was on its way from Sweetwater.


Funny thing is I love fast cars and had a 70" Dodge Charger when I was young. That car almost made me lose my license forever. Sometimes I think about a muscle car, but guitars win out in the end. My next-door neighbor has a super charged 69' GTO that sounds like a combination earthquake and jet engine when he starts it early on Saturday mornings.🥴

Sounds like my MINI Cooper's big brother.

Since moving into the 55+ community a few years ago, I have added a J pipe to drop the loudness in the ~120Hz area. Long drives were starting to be headaches, and one neighbor even left a little hate-mail note on our door when we first moved in, accusing me of speeding because the car was loud. :D. He's currently waiting for my mechanic to get back from the races in CA so he can get a new clutch. The engine is making enough power that it's hard to find a clutch to hold it. Tried an OS Giken single disk race clutch. It lasted about 23k miles. Turns out trying to drive politely wears them out quicker. Probably would've got a fair bit more miles if I was launching rather than driving politely. Trying the highest street clutch that Clutchmasters makes for it this time and hoping it can hold the power and last longer....
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