Are you using the “amp” you thought you would…ex: I started using the 5153

I didn't really plan on any certain amp, but I expected I'd probably settle in on what I typically used for gigs, which was either a Fender-ish tweed or Fuchs ODS 50. Turns out my favorite two models in my FM3 are the AC20 and the DC30. Looks like I've been a Vox-ish guy all along. Feels good to be out of the closet.

The DC30 sounds so great in the FM3 that I've been catching myself regressing to browsing all those naughty websites like the classifieds at TGP and Reverb looking at DC30 and HC30 prices. Luckily when I start to feel those "old flame" stirrings, I just run my DC30 preset into my ps100 into a 2x12 Mesa cab and it calms me right down. The cab is even loaded with the Matchless style combo of a v30 and GB. I'm telling you, it sounds SO good.
Take the Atomic Space Tone (Nuclear Tone) for a spin and see what you think.

I gave it a spin. Instant keeper amp for me. Takes boost and drives well. I like dirt, but still like to hear the strings. I think this one does that well. Not over the top, but can be pushed into that territory with drives no problem. Thanks @fcs101.
One of the main reasons for buying my FM3 is because Fractal was the only amp modeler I saw that had a 59 High Powered Tweed Twin model, which I use a lot, with different IR's cos I hate the ones Keith Urban put in it. Is there an IR of the orginals out there? Having said that I mostly play the Plexi's with the 6CA7 as my fav.
Getting into fractal I thought for sure I would only play the recto and 5150 block. Instead I found the Diezel amps and fell in love. I also then bought a single coil guitar (EBMM cutlass) and fell in love with the Bassman and the AC20 models.
I have NEVER enjoyed ANY of the Marshall recreations from any modeler or profiler in the past. I
seriously think Marhsalls as an whole have so many unique qualities and idiosyncracies that they
have to be harder to recreate and model/profile/clone. A lot of the modern Marshalls spins from
Friedman, Bogner, et al have sounded bloated, tubby, and too smooth. I've owned those amps in
the past, too. Rather than improving on what Marshall did I feel that they often took away their
unique traits and qualities. I wanted those "weaknesess" and "faults" in tact after playing and owning
Marshall tube amps over the years.

I wasn't expecting the Marshalls in the Fractal to be so much fun to play, and feel and sound so
accurate. So I guess I am using amps I didn't expect I would. :)
I thought I’d use the SLO or various Plexi’s for my cover band…
I was messing with seamless switching and landed on the 5153…

I did the exact opposite lol. The 5153 is a little saggy and mid scooped for what I like to use it for now. Still a great amp but I prefer Solo100 Lead model
Out of everything, my favorite is still the 6160 Block model. I got my first 5150 back in the mid-90s and absolutely fell in love, and to this day haven't found an amp that works as well with my playing style as that circuit.
Same here. My bandmate plays a real one, I've also used it in the studio before I switched to the Axe FX and now I've found the perfect setting for it, which sounds quite different to my bandmate's real one (with almost the same settings), but I like mine more. But they complement each other in a fantastic way.

edit: I also have to mention that I love how it cleans up when I roll back the volume on the guitar! It is a fantastic amp!

It's a pity the FAS version of the 5150 sounds so strange (on the II), it's possible I'd like it even more, but it's WAY off imho.
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Yep, I’ve played Plexis in “the real world” for decades and when I made the switch to the Axe FX I tried a kazillion ampmodels, liked most of them, and ended up with the Plexi models. Same thing with my drivepedal for that matter, I‘ve had the “yellow Boss” under my feet for nearly 30 years and now the model of that pedal in the Axe FX is my go-to driveblock. Actually, come to think of it, regarding my cabblock……… yep, same deal 😀.
I’m not necessarily out of my wheelhouse, but I did go in thinking I’d be using the 5153. I’ve since found the BE C45 model to be really satisfying and, the biggest surprise, the fender brown concert model.
Cornfed M50. For whatever reason I used to think that it was a one-trick pony shredder amp. I was very wrong. It does everything, and it does it all really well. I have not found a tone that it won’t do, whether crushing high gain rhythm, bluesy edge of breakup, pristine cleans, fluid leads, or anything in between.
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