Are the block types parameter presets or different algorithms

Jim Amsden

In one of the early videos in Cooper Carter's The Complete FM9 Masterclass, he indicated that the type field for a block is essentially a preset for that block, and any changes you made, and possibly saved in your library, creates a new "type".

This sounds logically correct, but I wonder if it is implementationally correct? That is, for each block, is the overall algorithm fixed, and the type selects parameter values in that fixed algorithm? Or might the algorithm also change?

For example, the phaser block has a number of block types including Block 90 and Classic Vibe. Are these two very different tones created by different parameters in the same phaser block algorithm, or are/can they be different algorithms? in the same block?
It's a bit confusing, but the type menus are mix of both. Sometimes they are fundamentally different algorithms. Sometimes they are just presets and you could accomplish the same thing with the block library. With some blocks, like amp, they are all the former. Other blocks, like multitap delay, the menu is a mix of both. It would probably work better if the block library was used for the preset cases, but the problem is the block library is only available from the editor.
It would be kind of nice if there was some sort of indication even with the block library limitation.
They could be numbered x.y where x is the algorithm number and y is the preset number.

For example:
1.1 small spring
1.2 medium spring
1.3 large spring
1.4 london spring
2.1 small plate
2.2 large plate
etc etc

Maybe I'll go try my luck in the Wishlist forum on this.
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